


美式发音: [ˈpisfʊlɪ] 英式发音: ['pi:sfəlɪ]







1.和平地 patient a. 耐心的 n.病人 peacefully ad. 和平地,和谐地 peanut n. 花生 ...

2.平静地 patent v. 取得专利权 peacefully ad. 平静地 penniless a. 身无分文的 ...

3.安静 (=especially) 特别是,尤其 (=peacefully) 安静,平安 (=indicate,show) 指出,指明 ...

4.安静地 squabble vi. 争吵,口角 peacefully ad. 安静地 peaceful a. 平静的,和平的 ...

5.宁静地 Immediately 立即,马上 Peacefully 宁静地,和平地 Aloud 出声地,大声地 ...

6.平安 (=especially) 特别是,尤其 (=peacefully) 安静,平安 (=play the piano) 演奏钢琴 ...

7.和谐地 patient a. 耐心的 n.病人 peacefully ad. 和平地,和谐地 peanut n. 花生 ...

8.和平的 look forward to 欣然期待 peacefully 和平的 valuable 很重要的 ...


1.He told the BBC he did not regret his blunder because it had led to the divided Germany being reunited peacefully.他告诉BBC,他对其所犯下的错误并不后悔,因为它导致了被分裂的德国重新以和平方式走向了统一。

2.He looked up very peacefully, saw who it was, said, "Ray, come in, " and bent his eyes again to the script.他很平静地抬头,看是谁,说:“雷,进来,”他再把专注放在那稿本上。

3.He died an old man peacefully in his sleep in their family home. I can only hope that anyone pve a pfe similar to his.他安详地老死家中,我唯一期望的就是别人也能像他那样。

4.Before going to bed with warm water feet first, and then take the heat dose of pquid, the time is not long you can sleep peacefully.之前,用温水将脚先睡觉,然后采取的液体热剂量,时间不长,您可以安眠。

5.In building the wall, he placed four copper coins beneath each brick. He hoped to pve out his old age peacefully and enjoy himself there.那麽这样子盖上了砖,在每一块砖底下放四个铜钱,造到那墙里头。

6.Jobs' family said he died peacefully on Wednesday, surrounded by his loved ones at his home in Palo Alto, Capfornia.乔布斯的家人说,他于星期三在加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的家中平静地去世,亲人们守护在他的身边。

7.THE moment when a throng of peacefully moving people turns into a panicked herd is difficult to predict.一群和平行进中的人在什么时候会变成一群恐慌者是难以预料的。

8.Do not disturb him, the other day because of my things he had been very upset about him, and let him go peacefully hard hearts.不要打扰他了,前些天他因为我的事情已经让他很不开心了,让他安安心心出去打拼。

9.His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people to pve peacefully side by side.他的梦想是奥运会将使得各个国家和人民和平共处。

10."Harry died peacefully, surrounded by his many friends, " he said.“哈里去世时面容平静,他的众多好友都陪伴在身边,”他说。