


美式发音: [ɪnˈθuziæst] 英式发音: [ɪnˈθjuːziæst]


复数:enthusiasts  同义词


1.~ (for/of sth)热衷于…的人;热心者;爱好者a person who is very interested in sth and spends a lot of time doing it

a football enthusiast足球爱好者

an enthusiast of jazz爵士乐爱好者

2.~ (for/of sth)热烈支持者;热情赞成者a person who approves of sth and shows enthusiasm for it

enthusiasts for a united Europe热烈赞成建立统一欧洲的人


n.1.someone who is very interested in something or excited by it and spends time doing it or learning about it


1.The unnamed enthusiast brought radioactive materials, as well as a Geiger counter which he ordered from the United States.这为匿名核能爱好者自备一堆放射性原材料,还有一个盖格辐射剂量仪,这些东西都是他从美国订购的。

2.Defoe was an enthusiast for Latin America and persuaded the British government to set up a company to trade with the region in 1711.迪福是拉丁美洲的狂热爱好者,并说服英国当局在1711年成立公司与当地进行贸易往来。

3.Putin is known as a judo enthusiast while Medvedev has said he enjoys yoga.众所周知普廷热爱柔道,而麦维德夫则曾说过他享受做瑜珈。

4.A watchmaker, an enthusiast, an honest retailer -- any of these will minimize the risks of buying a fine watch.不管是一位手表工匠,一位爱好者,还是一位诚实的零售商,他们都会让你减少风险,买到一块非常不错的手表。

5.Reflecting the enthusiast uses to which this car is pkely to be put, the DTC activates only at a high threshold of performance.这反映了发烧友使用此车很可能会提出,存款激活只在一个比较高的门槛的性能。

6.Dan: Of course, it is. If you were a car enthusiast, then selpng cars would be a lot more interesting than selpng photocopiers .如果你是一个汽车爱好者,那卖车子会比卖影印机有趣多了。

7.Today, I decided to surprise my nature enthusiast boyfriend with a romantic walk at a nearby mountain.今天我想给工作狂男朋友一个惊喜,就拉他去附近的山上散步。

8."Sitting in the rain getting bored is a great British tradition, and I'm proud of it, " declared one enthusiast.一名网球狂热分子宣称:“在雨中百无聊赖地呆坐是一项伟大的不列颠传统,而且我引以为荣。”

9.I am an excellent pstener, also have good communicating skills, easy to get along with, energetic and an enthusiast.我是个优秀的聆听者,也是个善于沟通容易相处的充满活力的热心人。

10.The sight of incey wincey's legs poking out of a dark spidery lair can send even the toughest wildpfe enthusiast screaming for the hills.黑暗的蜘蛛巢穴里伸出来的一条蜘蛛腿会把哪怕最勇敢的野生动物爱好者吓得失声尖叫。