




1.今天是美好的一天 ... 8.together: 一起 Today is a beautiful day. 今天是美好的一天。 ...



1.The man said, "I said what you said, but in a different way. " What he had written was: "Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it. "那人说:“我写的正是你要说的,但是用另外一种方式。”他是这样写的:“今天很美,但是我却看不到。”

2."What he had written was : " Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it .什么,他写的:“今天是美好的一天,我无法看到它。”

3." I wrote: " Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see it.我写道:“今天是美丽的一天,但我却不能看到。”

4.Today is a beautiful day, the weather in our town is fine, neither cold nor hot, it is a good time that people have outdoor activities.今日是一个夸姣的一天,咱们镇的天气大好,不冷也不热,适合人们做户外活动。

5.Today is a great day. Today is a beautiful day.今天天气真棒。今天是美丽的一天。

6.Yes, you are right! Today is a beautiful day!我觉得每天都是很美好的!

7.Today is a beautiful day, today I travel by car, this is a great day.今天是美好的一天,今天我开车出游,今天是美好的一天。

8.Today is a beautiful day. There are some turtles, monkeys and horses playing happily together in the happy forest.今天是美好的一天。快乐森林里的乌龟,猴子,及小马们正高兴地一起玩耍。

9.Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see it今天风和日丽,但我却看不到