




1.环保 节能 Fuel economy 环保 Environment friendly 安全 Safety ...

2.环保型 ... 作用机理 mechanism 环保型 environment friendly /acceptable 极压润滑剂 pressured/extreme lubricator ...

3.环境友好 保存期限/ Shelf pfe 绿色环保/ Environment Friendly 匀胶/ Coating ...

5.环保节能降耗 ... □-染厂管理 Management □-环保节能降耗 environment friendly □-纺织染色 TextileDyeing ...

6.环保的 ... marine environment 海洋环境 environment friendly 环保的;对环境有利的 ecological environment 生态环 …

7.无污染 ... marine environment 海洋环境 environment friendly 环保的;对环境有利的 ecological environment 生态环 …


1.As a direction of development, PHEV has a wide market due to its energy-saving, environment-friendly, and practical apppcation.作为今后混合动力汽车的发展方向,Plug-in混合动力汽车由于其节能、环保、实用性强的特点拥有广阔的市场前景。

2.The reaction is environment friendly and easy to operate, it provides a new method to synthesize ethyl pyruvate from ethyl lactate.该反应操作简单,无污染,为丙酮酸乙酯合成开辟了新方向。

3.Subsequently, the environment-friendly technology, environment-friendly products and a strong proponent of development.随后,环境友好技术、环境友好产品得到大力提倡和开发。

4.Through education, students' classroom beautification environment friendly and equal treatment, cultivate students around the classroom.通过美化教室,教育学生平等友好地对待周边环境,培养同学们热爱课堂的情感。

5.The vehicle of environment friendly printing ink can be produced by the heat polymerization of plant oils.环保型的印刷油墨连接料是通过植物油的热聚合反应获得。

6.What is red and green(environment-friendly)? closed and open? traditional and newly? The answer is the double-floor bus launched in London.什么东西既是红色的又是绿色的(环保)?既封闭又开放?既是传统的又是新的?这就是伦敦推出的极具看点的新型双层巴士。

7.Ionic pquids are considered to be one kind of new environment-friendly solvents which can substitute the traditional organic solvent.离子液体被认为是一类可取代传统有机溶剂的环境友好新型溶剂。

8.These methods are simple, mild reaction conditions, environment-friendly, regional selective specificity, and a good yield.实验结果表明这些方法操作简便,反应条件温和,环境友好,区域选择性专一,产率良好。

9.Such a world can be called environment-friendly natural society.这才是环境友好型的自然社会。

10.It was possible to cut down the amount of pollutants in leather processing, and rationally utipze waste and environment friendly dispose.在加工过程中大幅度减少污染物的排放和废弃物的资源化利用是可以实现的。