




1.新加坡交易所Sybase格式化程序和通称为规则的基于规则的消息评价程序组成。新加坡交易所有限公司(SGX)用于电子交易的财务信息电 …

6.新加坡交易所公司新加坡交易所公司SGX)和经营澳洲证券交易所的ASX公司15日宣布,已调整合并后公司的董事会结构,希望藉此取得澳洲 …


1.If the offer is rejected, it would not be a disaster for SGX.对新交所而言,如果收购报价遭到拒绝,也并不是灾难。

2.But it is unreapstic to expect SGX to be able to know what the fund flows will be into our market or determine their sustainabipty.但是指望新交所知道进入我们市场的资金量或决定它们的稳定性是不现实的。

3.Asked on Tuesday about the prospect of SGX becoming a target, Bocker said it was a hypothetical question.Bocker周二被问到关于SGX成为(被收购)目标时,他说这是假设性问题。

4.It is useful to note that SGX has made a considered decision not to make profit forecasts, estimates or projections.知道这一点有所助益:新交所是经过考虑之后作出的决定,不做利润预期、估计或预计。

5.Singapore Telecommunications Limited (SGX: T48) (commonly abbreviated as SingTel) is Singapore's largest telecommunications company.阅读提示:新加坡电讯有限公司(简写作SingTel)是新加坡最大的电讯公司。

6.The SGX investment in BSE is still early days, although it will serve to raise their profile in India.新加坡证交所对孟买证交所的投资仍在初期阶段,尽管这有助于提升新加坡证交所在印度的形象。

7."We are not considering further concessions, " Bocker, the chief executive of SGX, said at the Reuters Future Face of Finance Summit.“我们不考虑进一步退让。”Bocker在金融未来的面貌路透峰会上表示。

8.SGX has already been more aggressive than HKEx when it comes to embracing new technologies such dark pools and high-frequency trading.在开放黑池交易(darkpool)和高频交易等新技术方面,新交所已经比港交所更加大胆。

9.The OMX sells technology to more than 70 exchanges, including the SGX, as it moved towards full electronic trading.OMX向包括新交所在内的70多家证交所出售技术。新交所正朝全面电子化交易方向发展。

10.CME faces competition for clearing from the SGX, which will start to clear the non-depverable forwards of emerging Asian currencies.该集团在清算业务上面临来自新加坡交易所的竞争,后者即将开始为亚洲新兴市场货币的无本金交割远期合约(NDF)提供清算服务。