




1.环境友好型社会 资源节约型社会: resource-conserving society 环境友好型社会environment-friendly society 自由贸易区: free trade zon…

2.环保型社会两得”:不仅让学生对他更有印象,也让更多同学理解“环保型社会”(environment-friendly society)这类词组的的组词方法。

3.资源节约型社会 环境友好型,资源节约型社会 A resource-conserving,environment-friendly society 新闻英语 News Engpsh ...


1.Part six, finding the countermeasures used to construct resource economical and environment friendly society in CZT city group.根据具有代表性的发达国家在资源节约、环境保护方面经验,提出对长株潭城市群建设两型社会的具体建议。

2.Building a conservation-minded government is included in building "a conservation-oriented society" and "environment-friendly society" .建设节约型政府是建设“节约型社会”和“环境友好型社会”的题中应有之义。

3.Recyclable growth is the only way to sustainable growth, and an important way to build an environment-friendly society.发展循环经济是实现可持续发展的必由之路,是建设环境友好型社会的重要途径。

4.At the Fifth Plenary meeting of the 16th CPC Central Committee a put forward the building of environment-friendly society.党的十六届五中全会和十七大提出要建设环境友好型社会。

5.Theory and practice hare proved that clean production is an important means to build environment-friendly society.理论与实践证明,清洁生产是建设环境友好型社会的一项重要手段。

6.Currently, to construct resource economical and environment friendly society has become the mutual recognition in the entire society.当前,建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会已成为全社会的共识。

7.Quintana Roo State has achieved remarkable results in building a secure and environment-friendly society.金州在构建安全、环保社会方面取得了可喜成绩。

8.The Japanese government in 2004 issued a "White Paper on the Environment" , clearly estabpshing environment-friendly society.日本政府2004年发表《环境保护白皮书》,明确提出建立环境友好型社会。

9.The consumption view of circular economy requires to construct resource- saving and environment-friendly society.循环经济消费观要求建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会。

10.promote the large circle system of resource-saving industrial and build environment-friendly society.推进大循环,形成资源节约型产业体系,建设环境友好型社会。