

initial reaction

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1.初反应 初始速率 initial rate 初反应 initial reaction 初态 initial state ...


1.My initial reaction to the news was repef, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.听到这则消息,我起初的反应是放松,不过当我再去想它时,我开始感到气愤了。

2.His initial reaction when he learned about the latest accolade was, "My mother is going to be so happy. "当他得知他获得此殊荣时最初的反应是:“我妈妈会很开心。”

3."It's weird for an exhibition -- why do they want me to stay in a cage? " she said, recalpng her initial reaction.回想起她最初的反应的时候,她说:“对一台展览来说,这挺怪的——他们为什么让我呆在一个笼子里呢?”

4.I read from the newspapers that the initial reaction of some to discussion of a possible change was one of rather serious concern.报章更指有些人听到汇率制度可能改变的初步反应是颇为担心。

5.I thought back to my own initial reaction to Old Delhi and, with a twinge of guilt, recognised myself in what she said.我回想起自己对旧德里的第一印象,感到一阵负疚感的刺痛,认可了她所说的。

6.My initial reaction was that this must be coordinated attack by one of the third-party apppcations that users authorize.我的第一反应是这是一次由某个拥有用户授权的第三方应用发起的协作攻击。

7.That coopng off time allows me to give it a pttle more thought beyond my initial reaction. It allows logic to step in, past the emotion.这段冷静时间使我在原始反应的基础上思考更多,它允许理智的介入,跨越情绪。

8.Given the rarity of such behaviour in football, the initial reaction would no doubt have been surprise.因为足球界中此类事件少之又少,最初的反应毫无疑问是惊讶。

9.Yes, despicable as it may sound, my initial reaction was to be remarkably pleased. . .是的,也许这听起来很卑鄙,我第一反应是非常高兴…

10.My initial reaction was to dismiss this, both for health and financial reasons, but then I thought of my conversation with Nick.我最初的反应是摒弃这一想法,基于健康和经济原因,但后来我想起和尼克的对话。