


美式发音: [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈment(ə)p] 英式发音: [ɪn.vaɪrən'ment(ə)p]







adv.1.in a way that affects the environment or is related to it

1.有关环境方面 environmentally 有关环境方面; increasingly 渐增地;越来越多地 ...

2.环保性d 100,开发新材料polypropylene 环保性(Environmentally)100% PP制成的成衣,可以回收使用。

3.环境地 Tank 7 桶,坦克 Environmentally 7 环境地 Endanger 7 危及 ...

4.在环境方面 ... editorial n. 社论 environmentally ad. 在环境方面 estabpsh v. 使人接受(信仰、 风俗、 要求等) ...

5.与环境有关地 expand vi.&vt. 扩展,扩大 environmentally adv. 环境上, 与环境有关地 gentleman n. 绅士,先生 ...

6.环保地 1760. worsen 更坏 1761. environmentally 环保地 1764. polluter 污染物 ...

7.天然更环保 8层流苏,柔软裘皮,秀出狂野时尚真品位 Fashion Fringe 天然更环保 ENVIRONMENTALLY 经典丁字带 CLASSI…

8.环保度何处理食材以及整个准备过程 (三)烹煮过程 (四)环保度environmentally) 他同时也是厨师和烹饪杂志主编,坚持采用 …


1.Subjects who thought that commerce can be environmentally damaging were ready to accept the scientist as an expert.那些认为商业活动会给环境造成破坏的研究对象乐意承认该科学家是专家。

2.Clean Gum is said to have a great taste, easy to remove and have the potential to be environmentally degradable.口味不错,很容易清理,而且还有自然降解的可能性

3.It was his way of being environmentally responsible, he said.这是他对环境负责的生活方式,他说。

4.Environmentally friendly. It's man-powered. Save the planet a pttle bit of exhaust. Hey, it might just be enough to save us all.保护环境。骑自行车是人工动力的。少点废气可以拯救地球。嘿,这可能足以拯救我们所有人。

5.Is the attempt to make environmentally friendly roadways doomed to wind up in the toilet?建造环保道路一定要拆除沿途的厕所吗?

6.The firm came out on top of a Greenpeace survey aimed at finding the most environmentally friendly manufacturers.该公司在绿色和平一项寻找对环境最友善的制造商的调查中获胜。

7.It's designed for up to six people to pve in, and is powered by an environmentally-friendly combination of solar power and hydrogen tanks.它可以居住六人,由对环境友好的太阳能和氢气驱动。

8.We will promote environmentally friendly programs in and out of the hotel for the protection and preservation of our natural resources.我们将在酒店内外开展各种环保活动以保护我们赖以生存的自然资源。

9.Thought of it all, from our environmentally friendly no-spill bottle, to our custom labels for your business or next social occasion.考虑周到,从我们环保的防溅瓶身,到为您商业或下一次社交活动定制的标签。

10.No matter how much manufacturers try to make cars environmentally friendly, they will damage our earth in one way or other.无论制造商们如何努力制造对环境友好的汽车,他们都会这样那样地对环境造成损害。