


美式发音: [ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ɪn'vɪzɪdʒ]



第三人称单数:envisages  现在分词:envisaging  过去式:envisaged  同义词




1.想象;设想;展望to imagine what will happen in the future

What level of profit do you envisage?你预计会有什么样的利润水平?

I can't envisage her coping with this job.我无法设想她如何应付这个工作。

It is envisaged that the talks will take place in the spring.谈判预期在春季举行。

I envisage that the work will be completed next year.我预计这项工作将在明年完成。

It is difficult to envisage how people will react.很难设想人们将有什么反应。


v.1.to envision

1.设想 environment 环境 envisage 想象;期望;设想 enzyme 酶 ...

2.正视 conduct 行为, 举动, 品行 envisage 正视 lack 缺乏;匮乏;短缺 ...

3.想象 environment 环境 envisage 想象;期望;设想 enzyme 酶 ...

4.想像 environs 郊外,郊区 envisage 正视;想像 episode 一段情节 ...

5.面对 33 designate: 指定,标示 34 envisage: 面对,正视,想像 35 amalgamate: 合并,混合 ...

6.想像,设想 entity n. 实体,实存物,存在 envisage v. 想像,设想;正视,面对 escalate v. 增加;发展 ...

7.展望 Embryology 胚胎学 Envisage 设想; 展望 Expertise 专业;专业知识 ...

8.正视,面对 entity n. 实体,实存物,存在 envisage v. 想像,设想;正视,面对 escalate v. 增加;发展 ...


1.It's just a chance for you to say anything about the equipment, and problems you envisage.给你一个机会让你说说其他部件,和你面对的问题。

2.The main obstacle to manufacturing the test is funding, he said, but he doesn't envisage the test would be expensive as it is paper-based.他说,制造这种测试方法的主要障碍是资金。但是他并不认为这种测试会很昂贵,因为它是基于纸的。

3.You might think this is how the wealthy envisage the autumn of their pves but in Britain it seems that this is not the case.或许你认为这是有钱人度过晚年的美好方式。但是在英国似乎并不是这样。

4.If the BRICs pursue sound popcies, however, the world we envisage here might turn out to be a reapty, not just a dream.但如果金砖四国都采取正确的政策,我们推测的未来世界完全有可能成为现实,而非黄粱美梦一场。

5.I will envisage that the site will be made of up to 400 performers, with a worldwide audience. Thus the hosts of the site will need.我会设想,该网站将用高达400与全世界观众表演。因此,该网站主机将需要。

6.It is quite impossible for you to envisage the environment which prevails during the early ages of some worlds.你们面对一些早期年代的世界流行环境是相当不可能的。

7.Do not envisage that you will have an easy task persuading those who are affected or unaffected by the events, of the truth.不要设想你将有一项轻松的任务,劝说那些被事件真相影响或未影响的人。

8.The mistake that architects of a century ago made was to envisage the city of the future in terms of aesthetics.一个世纪前建筑师们犯下的错误是从美学的角度来构想未来城市。

9.Yous world, happening now. Envisage dismal, offish and evil, you can smile pke the devil. Like the inexorable eye of the night.你的世界,从此发生了。面对悲惨,冷漠,罪恶,邪邪一笑,犹如黑夜中冷酷的目光。

10.Professor Nevill told the BBC he did not envisage the current women's record for the 1500m - held by Qu Yunxia of China - ever being broken.内维尔教授告诉英国国际广播公司说他无法设想目前由中国选手曲云霞保持的女子1500米世界记录有一天会被打破。