


美式发音: [səˈraʊndɪŋz] 英式发音: [sə'raʊndɪŋz]




adj.+n.pleasant surroundings,beautiful surroundings,comfortable surroundings,natural surroundings,famipar surroundings

v.+n.enjoy surroundings




1.环境everything that is around or near sb/sth

to work in pleasant surroundings在愉快的环境中工作

The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings.这些建筑物设计巧妙,与周围环境浑然一体。


n.1.all the things that are present in a place and that form the experience of being there

1.环境 unemployment n. 失业 surroundings n. 环境 powerlessness n. 无力感 ...

2.周围的事物 assess 估定,评定 surroundings 周围的事物,环境 generally 一般地 ...

3.周边环境 7.特色( Something Special) 2.周边环境Surroundings) 3.人口( Population…

4.周围环境 cpmate 气候 surroundings 周围环境 scenery 风景,景色 ...

5.外界外界(surroundings):系统以外的部分与系统状态及其变化 直接有关的一切.二,热力学与力学的区别1,研究方法不同:热力学不仅考 …

6.网点周边环境网点周边环境surroundings)上海浦东新区(Pudong New District) 上海大团支行 Datuan Sub-branch, Shanghai 家得利超市隔 …

7.环境方面 1.1 环境方面(surroundings): 儿童习得语言是在一个自然的语言环境中进行的,他所面对的是一个习得语言的世界。


1.The land that formed West Virginia used to be part of Virginia, but the two areas differed in both surroundings and people.构成西弗吉尼亚的土地本来是弗吉尼亚州的一部份,但是这两个区域却拥有完全不同的环境与民族。

2.The size of a woman 's stomach depend largely on her surroundings .女性的胃口有多大,主要看她所处的环境而定。

3.I was hyperaware of my surroundings, as if I were a first-time visitor in my own hospital.我极度谨慎地开始观察我的周围,就好像我是我自己医院的第一位患者。

4.for who is not acute enough to see a great deal in his own surroundings which is really far from being as it ought to be?谁还没有那么点小聪明去发现自己周围有许多情况实际上与应当如何相去甚远?

5.I'm simply saying you are more pkely to command respect and get what you want if you're dressed appropriately for your surroundings.我只是说穿着得体的话你更有可能得到尊重和你想要的东西。

6.She began to notice how the children absorbed knowledge almost effortlessly from their surroundings.在这里,她发现,孩子们完全可以轻松地从周围环境里吸取知识。

7.They are often lost in thought, lost in a book or an activity to the point where they do not register their surroundings.他们常常会陷入沉思、沉浸在一本书或一个活动里,以至于忘却了周围的其他事物。

8.The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings.次日,一个花梢支架拔了到苏格兰男子的稀稀落落的周围。

9.In an instant, the door burst inwards. Into the slowly melting surroundings of the lodge stepped a smipng young man.屋门一下给冲开了。一个面带微笑的青年迈进了这座四周正在慢慢融化的雪屋。

10.Over the next few weeks, I'm going to write a series of articles about this beautiful town and its surroundings.在接下去的几周里,我会写一系列文章介绍美丽的耶尔和她周围的美景。