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网络释义:促红细胞生成素(erythropoietin);欧洲专利局(European Patent Office);红血球生成素


abbr.1.exclusive provider organization


3.红血球生成素产生红血球生成素(EPO)维持体内正常血红素浓度血液透析简图 肾脏移植就是把正常的肾脏移植到病人体内,肾脏移植通常有 …


5.促红细胞生长素9.促红细胞生长素EPO )基因能在大肠杆菌中表达,但却不能用大肠杆菌的基因工程菌生产人的促红细胞生长素,这是因 …


1.Repoxygen causes a controlled release of EPO, but only when the body senses a lack of oxygen. Or at least it does so in mice.兴奋剂Repoxygen能可控释放EPO,但这仅仅是在身体缺氧的时候,至少对于老鼠来说情况是这样的。

2.The Representative said he wanted to share the EPO's experience which might contribute to the proposal made by Columbia.该代表说,希望分享EPO的经验,因为这可能有利于哥伦比亚的提案。

3.Lance Armstrong said, also that he only used a pttle bit of EPO previously.兰斯阿姆斯特朗表示,还说他之前只服用过一点点EPO。

4.The stimulating effect of recombinant-erythropoietin (EPO-A) on erythropoiesis has raised interest in its administration as an alternative.因而重组促红细胞生成素对红细胞生成的刺激作用作为一种替代方法引起了人们的关注。

5.The Licensee agrees to allow access to a sample of its Products to the EPO solely for monitoring purposes, at no cost to the EPO.被许可方同意允许欧洲专利局为了监控的目的免费访问其产品样品。

6.The researchers injected mice with EPO every other day for three weeks to test the long-term impact of the drug.研究人员在三周时间里每隔一天给老鼠注射促红细胞生成素,以检测药物的长期影响。

7.Today, anyone wishing to register a patent must do so in one of the EPO's official languages - Engpsh, French and German.目前,任何人想要注册专利,必须使用EPO的官方语言之一,即英文、法文或德文。

8.Studies have found that EPO receptor is widely distributed in a variety of non-hematopoietic tissue, including myocardial tissue.研究发现EPO受体广泛分布于各种非造血组织,其中包括心脏组织。

9.His body has a mutation that causes it to produce far more of a hormone called EPO than a normal person would.由于他的身体的某些基因发生突变,导致其身体产生了超出常人正常量的一种名为EPO的荷尔蒙。

10.Conclusion Traditional medicine compound can improve anemia symptum of rat. Chronic adynamia could promote creation of EPO as well.验证了中药复方可以改善慢性肾衰大鼠贫血状态,促进EPO生成。