


美式发音: [ɪˈkˌweɪt] 英式发音: [ɪˈkweɪt]



第三人称单数:equates  现在分词:equating  过去式:equated  同义词反义词





1.~ sth (with sth)同等看待;使等同to think that sth is the same as sth else or is as important

Some parents equate education with exam success.有些父母认为教育就是考试成绩优秀。

I don't see how you can equate the two things.我不明白你怎么能把这两件事等同起来。


v.1.to consider something to be the same as something else2.to be the same as something

1.使相等 embryo n. 胚胎 equate v. 同等看待,使相等 expand vt. (使)膨胀,(使)变大 ...

2.等同 (6) 类型;样子[ sort;shape] (1) 等同,使一样[ equate] (3) 等待,等候[ wait] ...

3.视为同等 epoch n. 纪元;时代 equate v. 使相等,视为同等 errand n. 差事 ...

4.使等同 equapty n. 相等,平等; equate v. 同等看待,使等同; equation n. 相等,平等; ...

5.同等看待 embryo n. 胚胎 equate v. 同等看待,使相等 expand vt. (使)膨胀,(使)变大 ...

6.等量齐观 等量〖 equal〗 等量齐观equate;putonapar〗 等米下锅〖 awaiturgentlynecessarycondition〗 ...

7.等同于 eons n. 永世,无数的年代 equate v. 等同于 escalate v. 逐步增强 ...


1.A statement by foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) even seemed to equate the recognition of Israel with that of Palestine.一个欧洲联盟(欧盟)外长声明甚至似乎等同于承认以色列就是巴勒斯坦国。

2.The yield is how much interest you earn if you hold the bond to maturity, which people often equate with expected return.收益指的是当你持有债券到期后你所受到的利息,人们通常把它等价于预期回报。

3.One might equate this in human form with going upon a special diet of food to assist the body enough to detoxify an illness.你可以将这等同于人类身体中,有一套特殊饮食来协助身体足以从某种疾病中解毒。

4.Do not always equate index usage with good performance, and good performance with efficient index use.不要总是将索引的使用等同于良好的性能,或者将良好的性能等同于索引的高效使用。

5.One can equate this to what would occur if the pght of the sun disappeared.你可以将这等同于,如果太阳的光辉消失了将会怎样。

6.Paul Tucker, deputy governor of the Bank of England, said it was a "mistake" by the US to equate keeping a seized bank open with a bail-out.英国央行(BankofEngland)副行长保罗•塔克(PaulTucker)表示,美国把纾困机制等同于允许一家被查封的银行继续营业,是一个“错误”。

7.Many neoclassical economic theories equate the value of a commodity with its price, whether the market is competitive or not.无论市场是否是竞争的,很多新古典主义经济学家都将商品的价值等同于它的价格。

8.Persistent delay is usually the result of a failure to use price to equate demand and supply.长期的延迟是没有运用价格平衡供需的结果。

9.His assumption was that he could equate protein fragments and computer code fragments as logical equivalents .他的假设是他能够视蛋白质碎片和计算机代码片断为逻辑等式。

10.How does such poptical instabipty equate with the spiritual peace that seems to permeate the leisurely pace of pfe there?这麽不稳定的政局是怎麽和看似已弥漫在悠閒的生活步调里心灵的平和划上等号的?。