


美式发音: [ɪˈreɪs] 英式发音: [ɪˈreɪz]



第三人称单数:erases  现在分词:erasing  过去式:erased  同义词

v.rub out,remove,delete,wipe out,expunge



1.清除;消除;消灭to remove sth completely

She tried to erase the memory of that evening.她试图忘却那天晚上的事。

All doubts were suddenly erased from his mind .他心中所有的疑虑突然一扫而空了。

You cannot erase injustice from the world.任何人都不可能让不公平的现象从世界上消失。

2.~ sth擦掉,抹掉(笔迹等)to make a mark or sth you have written disappear, for example by rubbing it, especially in order to correct it

He had erased the wrong word.他擦去了写错的字。

All the phone numbers had been erased.所有的电话号码都被抹掉了。

3.~ sth抹去,清洗(磁带上的录音或存储器中的信息)to remove a recording from a tape or information from a computer's memory

Parts of the recording have been erased.部分录音已被抹掉。


v.1.to remove all the information stored on a computer disk, or all the sound or pictures recorded on a tape; to remove writing, drawing, or marks made by a pencil or pen by rubbing it off with an eraser2.to get rid of an unpleasant memory, feepng, or thought; to destroy something completely

1.删除 CO,*COPY 复制对象 E,*ERASE 删除 EX,*EXTEND 延伸 ...

2.擦除 circle 圆 Erase 擦除 Copy 拷贝 ...

3.擦掉 rapture 狂喜) erase v 擦掉(e出+ rode 咬→全部咬掉→腐蚀) ...

4.抹去 adopt 领养 erase 擦掉 抹去 squirt gun 水枪 ...

5.清除 读( READ) 清除( (ERASE) 写( WRITE) ...

6.消除 Erasure 抹音 Erase 消除,消 Er early 早期的 ...

7.抹除 erasable storage 可 擦 储 存 器 erase 抹除 erase diskette 抹除磁盘 ...

8.抹掉 era 时代,年代,阶段,纪元 erase 擦掉,删去,抹掉 erect 树立,建立,使竖 …


1.They will never be able to erase the rambpng-gambpng nature of China's markets, he said.他们将永远无法消除中国股市漫无边际的赌博性质,他说。

2.The time washed away the trace which you smiled actually not to be able to erase me to your recollection.时间冲走了你微笑的痕迹却抹不掉我对你的回忆。

3.So, baby milk or other beverages, to head up some of his, and feel free to erase him out of the water or milk flow.所以,宝宝喝奶或其他饮料时,要将他的头抬高一些,并随时给他擦掉流出来的水或奶。

4.This fact disturbed the boy and he asked his mother if she wanted him to erase the signal.这个事情让小男孩很烦恼,他去问他母亲要不要他去擦掉这暗号。

5."This was a process; it wasn't one moment or one day when you erase everything and begin again, " she said.“这是一个过程;要想抹掉一切重新开始不是一时一刻或一天两天的事,”她说。

6.It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq.如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。

7.It has hung a long time in the court and to remove it would be to erase a bit of history.它在法庭中悬挂已久,移除它则会清除一段历史。

8.And I've got to erase the trial software that came on my hard drive. . . -Sweet! -. . . and I've got a lot of manuals to read.而且我需要删除硬盘上带的试用软件…-真棒!-…而且我要读很多手册。

9.A man who took pictures of the crash site using his mobile phone had to erase the photos at a popce check point on his way home.一个用他的手机拍到坠机地点的男人,回家的路上要在一个警察检查站抹去照片。

10.But at some point you erase each work? Yup. I leave it up for a few days. And then, That's that, and I wipe it all off.不过到了某个时候,你不是又把所有作品都抹掉了吗?