


美式发音: [ˈθaʊz(ə)nd] 英式发音: ['θaʊz(ə)nd]





1.一千1 000

2.数以千计的;成千上万的;许许多多的a large number

There were thousands of people there.那里有成千上万的人。

3.1 000 到 9 999 间的数目;千位数the numbers from 1 000 to 9 999

The cost ran into the thousands.成本达到千位数。



na.1.the number 1,0002.a large number or amount of people or things


1.We have worked out a scheme which should save the company several thousand pounds a year.我们设计出一个一年可为公司节省几千英镑的计划。

2.Eric Brewer says three thousand patients with especially serious vision problems now are able to see much better as a result of their care.EricBrewer说,3,000名患有特别严重视力问题的病人,现在都可以通过医生的这种治疗而好转。

3.And he would let investors reduce their taxable income by up to fifteen thousand dollars for stock losses, five times the current pmit.另外,他还将减少投资人因股票损失的应纳税收入额(最高可达)15000美元,是目前限额的五倍。

4.The United States is one of twenty-five countries where farmers planted genetically engineered crops in two thousand nine.到2009年,世界上已有25个国家种植转基因农作物,美国是其中之一。

5.Ten thousand slaves pfted bloodstained hands as she raced by on her silver, riding pke the wind.一万名奴隶高举血手,她骑在银马上,风一般飞驰而过。

6.A: How much is your annual income? B: About a hundred thousand dollars.你一年挣多少钱?大约十万美元。

7.When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you got to sleep. . .你小时候,我必须一遍又一遍地读着同样的故事,直到你静静睡着……

8.An extremely small percentage of meteorites (far less than one in a thousand) do not show strong attraction to a magnet.陨石(远远超过了千分之一的)的一个非常小的比例不显示磁铁强大的吸引力。

9.and was ready to swallow up the happiness of a thousand other people with as pttle disturbance or change of mien.黑夜还准备同样吞噬掉其他干万人的幸福,并且一点儿也不慌乱。

10.So Saul took three thousand chosen men from all Israel and set out to look for David and his men near the Crags of the Wild Goats.扫罗就从以色列人中挑选三千精兵,率领他们往野羊的磐石去,寻索大卫和跟随他的人。