


美式发音: ['erɪkə] 英式发音: ['erɪkə]






n.1.an evergreen bush or small tree of the heath family with small leathery leaves.

1.袁弥明 Enid 伊妮德 Erica 艾丽卡 Erin 艾琳 ...

3.艾瑞卡 Nancy( 南希) Erica( 埃里卡) Elaine( 伊莱恩) ...

6.艾莉卡 Emma 艾玛 日耳曼语 无所不能的 Erica 艾莉卡 日耳曼语 唯一的统治者 Esther 艾丝特 希伯来语 爱神 ...

7.埃丽卡 ENID( 威尔斯)意为"生命"或"灵魂"。有人认为 ERICA( 老式挪尔斯语)"所向无敌";是 ESTHER( 波斯)"星子"的意 …


1.No, back. I mean back at the bar with Erica Albright. She said all that?是后来,跟艾瑞卡奥布莱特在酒吧分开以后,这是她说的吗?

2.A year or so after they were married, Harold and Erica spent a week with Harold's parents at their house in Aspen.在他们婚后一年左右,哈罗德和埃丽卡前往阿斯彭,在哈罗德父母的家中待了一个星期。

3.But, in the first few months of their relationship, Harold and Erica were also engaged, as new couples must be, in a sort of map-meld.但是,在他们正式确定关系后的头几个月,哈罗德和埃丽卡跟所有的新婚夫妇一样,也经历着“图景融合”的过程。

4.Harold and Erica both sensed that this had been one of the most important interviews of their pves.哈罗德和埃丽卡都心生一种同样的感觉,这是他们此生中最重要的面谈之一。

5.After the war, Toto Koopman returned to London and helped run the Hanover Gallery with her lover Erica Brausen (another wartime heroine).战后,托托•库普曼回到伦敦,协助她的情人、另一名战时女英雄艾丽卡•布豪森(EricaBrausen)管理汉诺威画廊(HanoverGallery)。

6.While she was dying of cancer, his ex-wife's utmost curse was to forbid Erica from ever giving him a coveted pot roast recipe.海勒的前妻患了癌症去世前,对他最大的诅咒就是要求埃里克不要把海勒一直垂涎欲滴的陶罐熏肉的菜谱告诉他。

7.He put Erica and Wanda to bed again the next night, made them brush their teeth, read a story to them.第二天晚上他再一次安顿埃里卡(Erica)和旺达(Wanda)上床睡觉,叫她们刷牙,给她们读故事。

8.As a single parent, Erica supported two households, in the country and the city, and had to be very driven, she says.身为一个单亲妈妈,艾丽卡在城里和乡下分别供有一所房子,她的压力很大。

9.He enjoyed the smile that spread across Erica's face, and unconsciously noted that the end of her eyebrows dipped down.他欣赏着埃丽卡脸上洋溢的笑容,还不自觉地注意到她眉毛的末端是下弯的。

10.He wished Erica would get out more and learn to BE enterprising on her own.他希望埃莉卡多出去走走,学会靠自己干出一番事业来。