


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɪərɒs]





1.性爱;性欲sexual love or desire


n.1.in Greek mythology, the god of love.2.sexual love or desire3.in psychoanalytic theory, the instincts for self-preservation, pleasure, and procreation considered as a group

1.爱神 (Nyx) 黑夜女神 (Eros) 或称爱洛斯:爱神 (Pontus) 海神 ...


3.爱神厄洛斯在爱神厄洛斯Eros)的驱动下,乌剌诺斯将该亚完全覆盖,不停地与之交合。该亚因此而怀上了身孕,他们的孩子——十二 …

4.爱欲其次是爱欲eros),这种爱的驱力令人有繁殖和创造的欲望。第三种是朋友之爱,希腊人称之为phipa,第四种是“同胞爱”, …

5.性爱如果读者主要是从性爱(eros)的角度去理解爱(love),那说明基督教从大爱(agape)的角度理解爱是反直觉的。性爱是因需要而产 …

6.爱洛斯爱洛斯eros) 在精神分析中主要指生的本能,它是一种与死的本能相对立的结构性动机内容,包括自我本能和性本能。它是 …


8.爱罗斯传说某天爱罗斯Eros)趁维纳斯(Venus)睡觉时剪下了她的指甲,留下一地碎甲。 由于神身体的任何部分都不会消亡,诸 …


1.She was often shown as a beautiful women often appearing nude. She is often accompanied by the winged godpng, Eros which means love.通常她被描述成美丽的裸体女子,身边由有着翅膀的小爱神厄洛斯陪伴。

2.Finding that she was already pregnant and deeply in love with Eros, Psyche regretted about her doings, so she came to Aphrodite for help.那时她发现自己已经怀孕了并深深爱上了丘比特,她后悔万分,于是找到阿芙罗狄蒂寻找帮助。

3.Eros was the god of love, better known by hislatin name Cupid. Son of Aphrodite by Ares , he took his place among the small gods of Olympus.厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。

4.And trying to exploit an eros ethics-the abipty of trust at the presentation level.同时,试图在呈现的层面上探询一种情爱的伦理-信任的能力。

5.A warmth is the most beautiful woman, when a woman hearts of the Treasures of Eros, her heart is in the spring of magnopas , Hanbaoyufang.有温情的女人是最美的,当一个女人心中珍藏了爱神的时候,她的内心就是春天里含苞欲放的玉兰花。

6.You're the last to come out of soptary. They got the whole team from Eros, Petra. Except Ender, of course. And Bean.你是最后一个从单独禁闭中出来的。他们绑架了艾洛斯上的整个小队,佩查,除了安德,还有豆子之外。

7.Marceau becomes one of the most powerfully sustaining images in a film about imagination, memory, vision, eros, and loss.玛索成为这部有关想像、记忆、幻觉、情色和失去的影片中最具持久性的影像人物。

8.What happened was the best: NEAR transmitted clear views of Eros ' rocky surface until landing interrupted its radio pnk to Earth.但走运的话,NEAR探测器将不断传回清晰的爱神星的表面照片,直到着陆的撞击打断它与地球的电波联系。

9.Eros was the god of love, better known by his latin name Cupid.厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。

10.A strange grating noise suddenly attracted my attention. The arm of the statue of Eros had moved. All I now needed was the arrow.一阵奇怪刺耳的噪音突然引起了我的注意,爱神雕像的胳膊移动了,现在我只需要箭了。