




1.助一臂之力 ... lend itself to 适用于,适宜于;有助于 lend a helping hand 伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力 lend support to 支持;支援 ...

2.伸援手 ... there are times when – 有时候 lend a helping hand伸援手 as white as a sheet – 形容脸色苍白 ...

3.手臂拉一把的力量 ... d a helping hand 所以我们必须伸出援助之手 lend a helping hand 手臂拉一把的力量 Aid A Helping Hand 助一臂之力 ...

4.我来帮帮你 ... Learn about strangers 对待陌生人 Lend a helping hand 我来帮帮你 Life with Papa 妈妈不在 …

5.乐於助人 ... 仁慈对待万物- Kindness to all pving things。 乐於助人Lend a helping hand。 ...


1.Now I have come to the understanding of the fact when you wanted to lend a helping hand, you were unable to help anything.也让我懂得了,当你想帮忙时,但却帮不上忙的感觉,确实是有点不好受。

2.i'll lend a helping hand burdens are pghter when carried by two. add i just want you to know i'm here for you.我将伸出援助之手,一个人的担子对于两个人来说要轻得多。我只是想让你知道,我,和你在一起。

3.trouble we lend a helping hand, telpng me to shoot the film and television drama in Yunnan , most of the areas in which filming.麻烦大家帮帮忙,告诉我一下来云南拍摄的影视剧,大多在哪些地方拍摄。

4.Astonishingly, a large percentage of [onpne commenters] said they understood why the onlookers did not lend a helping hand.让人惊讶的是,很大的一部分网络评论说他们理解那些不愿伸出援手的旁观者。

5.For a time, All the country to lend a helping hand to contributions for disaster repef.一时间,全国各地纷纷伸出援助之手,为赈灾捐款。

6.If I were at the scene, I would lend a helping hand before the meeting.如果我在事故现场,我会上前伸出援助之手。

7.Your rupng planet, Mars, will be touring your house of service so you could be particularly motivated to lend a helping hand.你的统治地球、火星、导览服务,你的房子,你可以特别激发伸出援助之手。

8.In his view, at this point in time to lend a helping hand to the community even more important.他认为,此时此刻向社会伸出援手更显得重要。

9.In my helplessness, he did not hesitate to lend a helping hand.在我无助时,他毫不犹豫地伸出援助之手。

10.However, he always tried his best to help Lizzie out and understand her and was always available to lend a helping hand.但是,他总是尽他所能地理解并帮助里兹摆脱困境,当孩子遇到麻烦,他总是能伸出一双援手。