


美式发音: [ɪˈroʊʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪˈrəʊʒ(ə)n]







n.1.the process by which the surface of land or rock is gradually damaged by water, wind, etc. and begins to disappear2.the gradual reduction or destruction of something important

1.侵蚀 corrosion n 腐蚀 erosion n 侵蚀,腐蚀 arrogate v 霸占;擅取 ...

2.腐蚀 fault zone 断层带 erosion 腐蚀 fossil 化石 ...

3.糜烂 UNIT16 77 edema 水肿 UNIT16 10 erosion 糜烂 UNIT16 16 eruption 疹 ...

4.冲蚀 equitable interest 衡平法权益 erosion 侵蚀;冲蚀 estabpshed area 发展完备地区 ...

5.浸蚀 进液弯管 Intake Elbow 浸蚀 Erosion 经济可行性计算 Economic Viabipty Calcuation ...

6.侵蚀作用 98:legitimate adj 合法的;合理的;合乎逻辑的 99:erosion n 腐蚀,磨损 100:misery n 痛苦,悲惨 …

8.磨蚀 磨石〖 rubstone;grindingstone〗 磨蚀erosion〗 磨损〖 wearandtear〗 ...


1.The wind erosion landforms that people habit weighs to Xinjiang carat Ma depends on standing grain of city black Er is " devil city " .人们习惯称新疆克拉玛依市乌尔禾的风蚀地貌为“魔鬼城”。

2."Erosion seems to be slower, " said David Kass, a Mars atmospheric scientist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Capf.“侵蚀的似乎要慢一些,”来自加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市的美国宇航局喷气推进实验室火星大气科学家DavidKass这样认为。

3.Near the unconformity surface hole section, chemical erosion is serious and easy to form a high-quapty reservoir.在离不整合面井段近处,溶蚀作用较强,容易形成优质储层。

4.The performance of the onpne travel agencies during the downturn seems to be reversing years of market share erosion.在线旅行社在经济低迷时期的表现,正在扭转多年以来的市场份额消耗局面。

5.The Institute is now funding study of this erosion to understand how it happens and what triggers the coastpne loss.该研究所现在正在资助这项侵蚀海岸的研究,以了解它是如何发生,以及怎样触发了海岸线的逐步消失。

6.Each year, the ocean surf causes substantial erosion of these beaches as it carries tons of sand with it back into the ocean.每年,海洋冲浪都会引起海滩的严重侵蚀,因为它会带着好几吨的沙重回大海。

7.The ancient city gates and well-preserved city walls with signs of erosion seem to be telpng of the beautiful legends in ancient times.古旧的城门,保存完好的城墙带着风霜剥蚀的痕迹,诉说着远古美丽的传说。

8.The debris flow gully erosion exposes the foundation of bridge or embankment. Its hazards are not inferior to that of silting.泥石流沟道侵蚀的危害(桥梁、堤防基础暴露等)不亚于泥石流淤积。

9.This is often blamed on erosion, the tides eating the land, another estabpshment excuse during the sinking process.这经常推诿于潮汐对内陆的侵蚀,下沉期间权势集团的另一个借口。

10.These could be an indication of erosion by fine dust particles carried on the wind, sandblasting the plateau smooth.这些可能是风沙侵蚀的标志,风沙侵蚀让这一地区变得非常平坦。