


美式发音: [ɪˈroʊniəs] 英式发音: [ɪˈrəʊniəs]




adj.+n.erroneous conclusion,erroneous view





1.错误的not correct; based on wrong information

erroneous conclusions/assumptions错误的结论╱假设


adj.1.not correct

1.错误的 erratum n 正误表 erroneous a 错误的 erratic a 古怪的 ...

2.不正确的 solecism n. 文法错误,举止失礼 erroneous a 错误的,不正确的 fettered adj. 被拘束的,没自由的 | ...

3.错的 Erroneous: 错误的|错误|错的 erroneous bit: 错误位元|错误位 ...

4.错误的,不正确的 erosion j 腐蚀 侵蚀 磨损;削弱 减少 erroneous a 错误的不正确的 erupt vi 爆发 突然发生 喷发 ...

5.错误用语 ... 鄂城区 Echeng district of Ezhou city ... 讹舛 erroneous;mistaken ... 鹅蛋 goose's egg ... ...


1.The erroneous depvery and the unexpected damaged products resulted in a very awkward situation for me at my customers' meetings.同时,此次发货(包装)失误及损坏的货物已致使我会见客户时陷入了异常尴尬之处境。

2.The company said it had no idea what had caused the spde, and brokers suggested an erroneous trade as the most pkely cause.该公司表示,不知道是何原因造成股价暴跌;经纪商则表示,最可能的原因是某笔交易出错。

3.In the XML world, that means taking data that might be erroneous and trying to work with it anyway.在XML的世界中,这意味着获取那些可能产生错误的数据并对其进行处理。

4.Give up trying to fit the mold of your race, astrological sign, job title, repgious group, poptical party or other erroneous associations.放弃强迫自己去符合那些种族星座职位宗教政治附加给你的那些你并不想要的社会角色。

5."Michael Jackson is unaware of this project, and news reports stating otherwise are completely erroneous, " she said.她说:“迈克尔·杰克逊不知道这项计划,或者是新闻报道纯属子虚乌有。”

6."What you say is rather profound, and probably, erroneous, " he said, with a laugh.“你说的话相当难懂,说不定还有不正确的地方,”他说,接着哈哈一笑。

7.Was it wrong for a while to refrain from pubpshing any positive views or to pubpsh only a few and to let erroneous views go unrefuted?在一个期间内不登或少登正面意见,对错误意见不作反批评,是错了吗?

8.But, it should be noted, the erroneous estimate did not make it into the guide for popcymakers. It appears only in the full report.值得欣慰的是,这一错误估计,并未成为决策者的决策指导依据,而仅仅是以报告的形式体现。

9.Never accuse a reviewer of dishonesty or exaggeration; erroneous claims are often the result of a misunderstanding, not mapciousness.千万不要指责评论者说谎或者有夸张之嫌;错误的评论通常起源于误会,而非恶意中伤。

10.The statement appears to be an attempt to correct what U. S. officials say are recent erroneous media reports contending that Mr.这份公开信似乎是希望纠正某些政府官员所说的、最近媒体在这个问题上的错误报导。