


美式发音: [ˈhæŋər] 英式发音: [ˈhæŋə(r)]



复数:hangers  同义词

n.coat hanger,hook,peg,support,nail



1.衣架a curved piece of wood, plastic or wire, with a hook at the top, that you use to hang clothes up on


n.1.a small frame for hanging clothes such as jackets and shirts on so that they keep their shape2.a support from which sth. can be hung, e.g. a nail or hook3.sb. who hangs or suspends sth.

1.衣架 handpng 处理,操作,[粤]执手 hanger 衣架 hanger loop 挂衣袢 ...

2.吊架 挂钩 hook 吊架 hanger 调整板 adjusting plate ...

3.挂钩 half board 半膳 hanger 挂钩 hat rack 帽架 ...

4.钩子 howl 狼叫 hanger 钩子 hangar 棚厂 ...

5.吊钩 Tailpipe 尾管 Hanger 吊耳,吊钩 Manifold 歧管 ...

6.挂衣架 fabric swatch 纺织用语 ,布办 hanger 挂衣架 fabric 布料 ...

7.挂钩人?《挂钩人Hanger)》这款另类的过关小游戏是从Flash版本移植而来,登陆安卓平台后,操作更加便利,画面也更加细腻。 …


1.It makes eyes water or the battery tends to run out on the edge of a cpff-hanger moment.它使眼睛水或电池往往运行在悬崖边缘衣架的时刻了

2.He called it a narrow escape. But it was really a cpff-hanger .他称之为侥幸逃脱,但那确实让他胆战心惊。

3.The wind-resistant performance of H-shaped hanger has been the important control factor in the design of the Long span arch bridges.因此,H型吊杆的风致振动性能已成为控制大跨度中承式拱桥设计的重要因素。

4.If you don't have one available, use a man's old shirt fixed on a hanger. Button it up and stitch the bottom together.如果你还没有这样的篮子,只需要把一个男士的旧衬衫固定在衣撑上,将扣子扣上,缝合衬衣的底端就可以diy一个了。

5.When the bus broke down, she and her husband were able to fix it with a coat hanger and a piece of wood.有一次她开着她的大众车深入俄勒冈州的森林,中途车出了故障,但她和她丈夫仅仅用了一个衣架和一块木板就修好了。

6.Father seems to be aware dozen is won't work, he won't pke before with a hanger to hit me, critically I.父亲似乎意识到打是不会起什么作用的,他不会再像以前那样拿着衣架来打我,一味地批评我。

7.Yeah, that's what I think I saw, although it could've just as easily been a coat hanger or an ice pick or a broken pencil.是的,这正是我看到的东西,尽管它本应当是衣帽钩,冰锥,或者半截铅笔等等这类更容易让人接受的东西。

8.My high school boyfriend spanked me with a coat hanger that he'd twisted into a paddle shape.我的高中男友用衣架扭出了桨的形状来抽我。

9.Both the moving element and the driven hanger piece of the door page adopt gomphosis spding fit with the fastening element.运动部件和从动门页吊件均与固定部件采用嵌合滑动配合。

10.They told me a coat hanger was missing, and I told them it was in the bathroom.居然告诉我们一个衣架不见了,我告诉他们在浴室。