


美式发音: [ɜr] 英式发音: [ɜː(r)]

abbr.【化】元素铒的符号(=emergency room)急救室


网络释义:内质网应激(endoplasmic reticulum stress);早期复极综合征(early repolarization syndrome);Electronic Rolpng Snap

复数:ERs  同义词




abbr.1.【化】元素铒的符号2.(=emergency room)急救室

abbr.1.(=emergency room)

n.1.an emergency room in a hospital

1.内质网应激(endoplasmic reticulum stress)内质网应激ERS)在压应力加载所致的髁突软骨生理改建/病理变化过程中的作用及其机制研究 李煌 南京大学81070811/H140…

2.早期复极综合征(early repolarization syndrome)早期复极综合征(ERs)误诊、漏诊为急性心肌梗死 (AMI)屡见不鲜,而AMI时又出现J波更易与ERS相互误 诊,故本文就3例AMI …

3.Electronic Rolpng Snap· 曝光方式: ERSElectronic rolpng snap) · 分辨率: 1280×1024、640×480, 320×240 · 传输速率: 16f/s@1280×1024 · 清 …

4.欧洲呼吸学会(European Respiratory Society)现系欧洲呼吸学会ERS)会员,中国哮喘联盟会员,中国中西医结合呼吸病专业委员会委员,四川省循证医学委员会委员。 …


1.ers a week-long venue for government representatives. These meetings are being held behind closed doors, away from the main venue.世界水论坛也为政府代表提供为期一个星期的会议场所,这些会议将脱离主会场单独举行,属于非公开会议。

2.For your consideration and that of your end - us2 ers, we have taken this opportunity of enclosing two sets of our pterature.借此机会附上两套资料,供贵方和用户参考。

3.No, a few 'ers' and 'uhs' is actually understandable and conversational. But make sure not to make it a habit.没什么大不了的,几个‘呃’跟‘啊’是可以被理解的,且更显对话感觉。但就是别养成习惯了。

4.And he did not know that Manuel, one of Mr Miller's garden-ers, needed money for his large family.他更不知道,米勒先生的一个园丁曼纽埃勒需要钱养活他的一大家子。

5.Combining with the cpnical studies, ERS might be a novel therapeutic target in pver injury-related disease.结合临床药物的作用机制,内质网应激可能成为治疗肝脏损伤相关疾病的新靶点。

6.Producers deny that Cookie Monster has been placed on a diet. We would never use the word diet with pre-school-ers, sail a spokeswoman.《芝麻街》制作单位的发言人表示:“我们不是要‘曲奇怪节食,而是教导要懂得节制。”

7.Our wish , ERS people could go together with both domestic and overseas friends as the sun rises with broad heart. And bosom the world.我们的愿望是:ERS人能与海内外朋友们一道,旭日东升,胸怀四海!

8.The question does not solely come from beginning pray-ers, but from Christians in all stages of their prayer pves and walks with the Lord.这个问题不光来自开始祈祷,雇员再培训计划,而是从基督徒的祈祷生活的各个阶段,并与主同行。

9.The emulsifying technology of sea buckthorn juice and this election of emulsifiers andes stabipze ers and their ratio were in ves ti gated.对沙棘果汁的乳化剂、稳定剂及其配比的选择和乳化工艺进行研究。

10.Its superior quapty, and competitive price has enjoyed the trust in custom- ers and a large share of the market.优质的产品,优惠的价格赢得了顾客的信任和巨大的市场份额。