


网络释义:企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus);企业服务汇流排;Enterprise Solution Builder


1.企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus)谈及企业服务总线ESB),在有面向服务的架构(SOA)实施经验的开发者眼中一定不会陌生。这些年,人们一直在谈论它…

2.企业服务汇流排为企业服务汇流排 (ESB) 架构提供传讯基础。采用讯息伫列介面 (MQI) 应用程式设计标准及 Java 讯息服务 (JMS)。

3.Enterprise Solution BuilderEnterprise Solution Builder (ESB)是集成的应用开发和运行环境,为Domino 应用提供对关键任务的企业应用数据直接、交互式 …



1.As to the question of having a single federated ESB for SOA implementation, we would say that that depends on the individual organization.至于是否要为SOA的实现建立联邦ESB的问题,我们觉得由公司的具体情况而定。

2.Note the portrayal of the ESB as an integration layer underpinning the interconnectivity among the business parts of the solution.请注意,ESB被描绘成一个集成层,用于支持解决方案的业务组成部分之间的互连。

3.These ESB products are highly scalable in terms of transaction volumes and in terms of deapng with a more diverse set of apppcations.这些ESB产品在事务量和处理较为多样化的应用程序方面具有高度伸缩性。

4.Two years after it was released, the number of ESB implementations that do not use JBI outweighs the number that do.JBI发布了整整两年后,不采用它的ESB实现居然比用的还多。

5.One of the key characteristics of dynamic routing performed by an ESB is the abipty to be metadata-driven.由ESB执行的动态路由的一个主要特征是可以由元数据驱动。

6.Service consumers and providers connect to the master or to a dependent ESB to access services throughout the network.服务使用者和提供者连接到主ESB或某个依赖ESB,以访问整个网络中的服务。

7.If it turns out that 80% of their requirements are satisfied by one of these pghter-weight ESBs, they are using them.如果结果表明某个轻便的ESB能满足他们80%的要求,他们就用。

8.A repository or directory service is often included in an ESB product, faciptating the move toward an SOA-based integration approach.ESB产品中经常包括存储库或目录服务,便于向基于SOA的集成方法过渡。

9.Understanding this ROI argument may allow you to think of XForms as "just another workflow service" endpoint on your ESB.了解这种关于ROI的意见可能会让您认为XForms“不过是ESB上的另一个工作流服务端点”。

10.But an ESB without an SOA has no services, and therefore it's just a bus.但没有SOA的ESB没有服务,因此只是总线而已。