




1.失去的记忆 · lost territory 失地 · lost memory 失去的记忆 · a lost game 输了的比赛 ...

2.失去的回忆 ·Hands Of Time 时间的指针 ·Lost Memory 失去的回忆 ...

3.丢失记忆 ... shine( 闪曜) Lost memory丢失记忆) Forever and ever( 永远 …

4.野蛮女友插曲 Tiger 要的海上钢琴师 LOST MEMORY野蛮女友插曲 The Fountain( 喷泉 ...


1.The heart ever dream, may be reduced to fragments in term of despair, the lost memory, also again unable to piece together a once perfect.那个曾经用心编织的梦,也许会在长期的绝望中支离破碎,那些零落的记忆,也再无法拼凑不出曾经的完美。

2.Helen looked straight up at the sky as if a lost memory or thought of some kind was coming back to her.海伦望着天空直线上升,如果一个失去的记忆,或某种思想是回来给她。

3.So the purpose of opening this cultural cabaret of Changsha kiln was to estabpsh a media to resume "collective lost-memory" .长沙窑文化酒楼的开办,旨在搭建一座平台,恢复“集体失忆”;

4.Meanwhile, an admirer of the boxer asks to be his training partner, in order to help the boxer find his lost memory.同时,这位拳击手的一位仰慕者为了帮助他找回记忆,申请做他的陪练。

5.As we found nowhere to have joy and laughter, please think back our childhood, a period of carefree time, and a spce of long lost memory.当我们发现幸福与欢笑无处可找时,请回忆起我们的童年,那段无忧的时光,那丝残存的记忆。

6.Lost memory, you thought, this variety of words talk, appointment does someone bepeve? !失去了记忆,你以为,这种话说出来,会有人信吗?!

7.Not a person for such a long time - there are only two possibipties, either being brainwashed lost memory, or is dead.一个人这么长时间没消息,只有两种可能,要不被人洗脑失去记忆,要不就是死了。

8.It is the coming together and rediscovery of the clay of its lost memory.这是重新在一起,粘土的损失的记忆。

9.In tests, these compounds almost completely restored lost memory in rats.在试验中,这些化合物几乎完全恢复了老鼠失去的记忆。

10.No lost memory, preserved only the memories.没有失去过的记忆,只有保存过的回忆。