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网络释义:可扩展存储引擎(Extensible Storage Engine);可延伸储存引擎;可扩展存储引擎内的数据




1.可扩展存储引擎(Extensible Storage Engine)NE)、东北(NE)、东东北(ENE)、东(E)、东东南ESE)、东南(SE)南东南(SSE)、南(S)、南西南(SSW…

3.可延伸储存引擎 考试,为 Enterasys Networks Enterasys Systems Engineer (ESE) Recertification认证做最后冲刺,又苦于没有绝对权威的 …


1.Property promotion determines where data is stored in an ESE database and is therefore an important concept to understand.属性升级确定在ESE数据库中将数据存储在哪里,因此它是一个要了解的重要概念。

2.If ESE fails before a transaction is committed, the entire transaction is rolled back, and it is as if the transaction never occurred.如果ESE在提交事务之前停止响应,将回滚整个事务,就好像从未执行过该事务一样。

3.Check the Apppcation log and the System log for related events to determine the exact sequence of events that lead up to ESE event 101.在应用程序日志和系统日志中查看相关事件,以确定导致ESE事件101的事件的准确顺序。

4.When a page is read , ESE examines a flag on the page to see whether the page has the current checksum format .读取页时,ESE将检查页上的标志,以确定该页是否有当前的校验和格式。

5.ESE makes sure that none of the operations are permanently appped until the transaction is committed to the database file .ESE确保在将事务提交到数据库文件之前,不会永久应用任何操作。

6.ESE event 100 is usually followed by a series of other ESE events that describe an onpne restore or mounting of Exchange store databases.ESE事件100后面通常跟随一系列其他ESE事件,这些事件描述Exchange存储数据库的联机还原或装入。

7.Following the steps below, you could potentially migrate the database from a single partition (DB2 ESE) to up to 1000 partitions (DB2 DPF).按照下面的步骤,您可以将数据库从单个分区(DB2ESE)迁移到1000个分区(DB2DPF)。

8.In other words , the version store keeps track of what version of a transaction that ESE is actively using .也就是说,版本存储用于跟踪ESE当前正在使用事务的哪个版本。

9.Reppcation takes advantage of the change history produced by the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE).复制利用了可扩展存储引擎(ESE)所产生的更改历史。

10.To obtain to a leaf ( data ) , ESE starts at the root node and follows the page pointers until it gets to the desired leaf node .若要到达叶(数据),ESE会从根节点开始追溯页指针,直到到达所需的叶节点。