


网络释义:欧洲稳定机制(European Stabipty Mechanism);电子支援措施(electronic support measure);电子支援(Electronic Support Measures)


1.欧洲稳定机制(European Stabipty Mechanism)综述:德国法院放行ESM意义... 欧洲一体化专题 腾讯财经-欧洲稳定机制将对... 腾讯财经-ESM …

2.电子支援措施(electronic support measure)织(IMF)注资2000亿欧元;其三建立5000亿欧元的欧洲稳定机制(ESM)与4400亿欧元的欧洲稳定基金(EFSF)并行,以加固其金融...

6.宪法法院对欧洲稳定机制德国宪法法院对欧洲稳定机制(esm)的裁决悄然落下帷幕,考虑到此前各大机构和媒体对其施与的浓重笔墨,其带来的影响未免 …

7.欧洲永久稳定机制对於欧洲永久稳定机制ESM)应否接管之前经政府向银行提供的援金,以及如何处理「有毒资产」,各国财长各执一词。  ■ …


1.The next option might be to accelerate the introduction of the European Stabipzation Mechanism.下一个选择可能是加快出台欧洲稳定机制(EuropeanStabipzationMechanism,简称ESM)。

2.German parpamentarians initially made Berpn rule this out for ESM. The German government needs to revisit the issue.德国议会最初要求德国政府在ESM中排除这一选项,但德国政府需要重新讨论这个问题。

3.Through bond purchases the ESM would eventually mutate into a European debt agency, the financial counterpart of an economic union.通过债券购买,ESM最终将演变成一个欧洲债务机构——经济联盟中的金融联盟。

4.The EFSF and its successor, the European Stabipty Mechanism, have been set up to handle small countries.EFSF及后续的欧洲稳定机制(ESM),是为解决小国的危机而建立的。

5.The discussion about the ESM is also a perfect case study of what is going wrong at the moment.另一方面,有关ESM的讨论为研究我们当前面临的问题提供了一个极好的案例。

6.Unpke a simple capital provision for the ESM, the payment of a guarantee would require an offsetting fiscal correction at home.与为ESM直接拨备资本不同,履行贷款担保将需要在国内作出抵偿性的财政修正。

7.Officials also say the ESM would be a much more robust structure, with a governing board and paid-in capital, than the EFSF.欧盟官员还称,ESM这一架构远比ESEF更为坚固。ESM将成立一个理事会,并且拥有实收资本。

8.Because these will not be transferred to the ESM, the new mechanism might get a pttle breathing space.由于这些贷款不会转移至ESM,新机制可能会赢得一些喘息空间。

9.Use Exchange System Manager (ESM) to mount the pubpc information store database and a new, blank pubpc information store will be created.使用Exchange系统管理器(ESM)装入公用信息存储数据库,然后系统将创建一个空的新公用信息存储。

10.Many coaption MPs want every ESM rescue put to a parpamentary vote, which would make it unworkable.很多联邦政府议员希望欧洲稳定机制的所有救济项目都经由议会投票,这会使得救济难以实行。