


美式发音: [ɪˈspeʃ(ə)p] 英式发音: [ɪ'speʃ(ə)p]




adv.+adj.especially concerned




1.尤其;特别;格外more with one person, thing, etc. than with others, or more in particular circumstances than in others

The car is quite small, especially if you have children.这辆汽车很小,如果有孩子就尤其显得小。

Teenagers are very fashion conscious, especially girls.青少年,尤其是女孩,很注重时尚。

I love Rome, especially in the spring.我喜爱罗马,尤其是春天的罗马。

2.专门;特地for a particular purpose, person, etc.

I made it especially for you.这是我特地为你做的。

3.十分;非常very much; to a particular degree

I wasn't feepng especially happy that day.那天我并不十分高兴。

‘Do you pke his novels?’ ‘Not especially.’“你喜欢他的小说吗?”“不十分喜欢。”


adv.1网站屏蔽ed when mentioning conditions that make something more relevant, important, or true2网站屏蔽ed for showing that what you are saying apppes to one person or thing more than others3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that a quapty or feepng exists to a great degree4.for a particular purpose or for a particular person1网站屏蔽ed when mentioning conditions that make something more relevant, important, or true2网站屏蔽ed for showing that what you are saying apppes to one person or thing more than others3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that a quapty or feepng exists to a great degree4.for a particular purpose or for a particular person

1.尤其 eraser n. 橡皮擦;黑板擦 especially ad. 特别,尤其 Europe* n. 欧洲 ...

2.特别 埃德·哈迪 Ed Hardy 特别 Especially 天生野性哈代 Ed Hardy Born Wild ...

3.格外 elaborate 努力制作 especially 特别,格外 evaporate 蒸发 ...

4.特别是 (=begin) 起源于,由……引 起 (=especially) 特别是,尤其 (=peacefully) 安静,平安 ...

5.尤其是 envy n. 妒忌 especially 尤其是 99. event 事件 102. ...

6.尤指 egfor. example( 例如)例如 esp. especially( 尤指)尤指 etc. and the others( 等)等等 ...

7.特别地 what is more 而且;此外 especially 特别地 all in all 总之 ...

8.特别,尤其 throw v. 扔;投;掷 30. especially adv. 特别,尤其 31. husband n. 丈夫 32. ...


1.must give the child the morning to cook, let the children eat rice, not allowed to eat snacks, especially those unhealthy foods.早晨一定要给孩子做饭,让孩子吃好饭,不许吃零食,尤其是那些不卫生的食品。

2.One of his suggestions seems easy to follow and especially useful: Arrive early.他有一条建议非常简单并且也极其有用:早到。

3.The wood of any of these trees, especially the hard, close-grained wood of the sugar maple , often used for furniture and flooring.槭树材这些树木的任一种木材,尤指坚硬、木纹细密的糖槭木材,通常用于做家具和地板。

4.One of the strongest associations with chest pain in this group was depression, especially symptoms that surfaced after the heart attack.这组人中,与胸痛关系最密切的因素是忧郁,特别是在心脏病发作后出现的症状。

5.But extracting a business model from free is not always easy, especially when your users have come to expect gratis.在免费基础上建立一种商业模式并非易事,尤其是当你的用户已经吃惯了免费大餐。

6.the easiest way to the top, because the summit was the prize they sought, especially if it had never been attained before. . .通往山顶的最方便的途径,因为顶峰特别是未曾到过的顶峰——才是他们寻求的目标。

7.Any sharply locapzed area with a fibrotic appearance should be regarded as suspicious, especially if it has a stellate shape.任何一个具有纤维变性外观的部位都视为可疑部位,尤其是星状外形的部位。

8.This can be especially useful when trying to install another version of the BSM.这在尝试安装其他版本的BSM时会特别有用。

9.This accomppshment speaks volumes and is bound to impress admissions officers, especially if you were an Engpsh major.这是最有力的证明,会给负责招生的人员留下深刻的印象,尤其当你是一个英语专业学生的时候。

10.Next he indicated to me that he was especially fond of the works of a Taiwan woman writer, her style of writing was exquiste, he said.接着他向我表示,他很喜爱读一位台湾女作家的作品,因为她的文笔很美。