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un.1.city in Baden-Württemberg State, southwestern Germany. It is the cultural and economic center of the Black Forest.

1.弗莱堡硅系统通过提高效率来降低成本,协助OEM客户降低系统成本,并为终端客户节省额外的花费。德国弗莱堡(FREIBURG)行内著 …

4.佛莱堡 伊达 奥佩斯坦( Idar Oberstein) 福莱堡( Freiburg) 哈勒( Halle) ...



1.We report here on the joint experience of the implementation in Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden and Freiburg, Germany.我们的报告是据在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩和乌普撒拉以及德国的浮雷堡实施经验得出。

2.He then studied mathematics, physics and philosophy at the universities of Berpn, Halle and Freiburg.他然后在柏林大学、Halle和弗莱堡研究数学、物理和哲学。

3.He joined the Nazi party in 1933 when he became rector of Freiburg University and oversaw the dismissal of all Jewish professors.他1933年加入纳粹党,同年他成为弗赖堡大学校长,并对所有犹太教授的解雇进行监督。

4.Cities that were founded in the 12th century include Freiburg, possibly the economic model for many later cities, and Munich.12世纪建立的这些城市中包括作为后来许多城市的经济典范的弗莱堡和慕尼黑。

5.Freiburg passed energy efficiency standards that result in new houses costing 3% more to build - and that use 30% less energy and CO2.弗莱堡通过了节能标准,使得新房的造价比原先高3%,但减少了30%的能源使用和二氧化碳排放量。

6.A high school whiz in math and chemistry, she breezed through an undergraduate biology degree at the University of Freiburg.高中期间,她在数学和化学方面表现了惊人的天赋,并在弗莱堡大学轻松取得生物学学位。

7.University of Freiburg, located in Freiburg of Germany, is a pubpc research university.弗莱堡大学位于德国的弗莱堡市,是一所公立的研究性大学。

8.Born November 24, 1942, Klaus Plate studied law at the Universities of Hamburg, Freiburg and G? ttingen, Germany.克劳斯·普拉特(KlausPlate),出生于1942年11月24日,曾于德国汉堡大学、弗赖堡大学和哥廷根大学学习法律。

9.Taking Freiburg as an Example to Discuss the Trend of New Urban District Development in Europe以弗莱堡市为例看当今欧洲城市新区发展趋势

10.The most modernized solar-energy house in Europe: solar-energy town, Freiburg, Germany欧洲最现代化的太阳能住宅工程:德国弗莱堡的太阳能城