


美式发音: [ˈɛsɪks] 英式发音: [ˈesiks]





un.1.town in central Maryland, east of Baltimore.2.county in eastern England. The administrative center is Chelmsford.

1.埃塞克斯大学 阿伯丁大学( aberdeen) 埃塞克斯大学( essex) 白金汉大学( buckingham) ...

2.艾塞克斯 28 阿伯丁大学 Aberdeen 29 艾塞克斯大学 Essex 30 兰卡斯特大学 Lancaster ...

4.埃塞克斯郡 41 基尔大学 Keele 42 爱塞克斯大学 Essex 43 阿伯雷斯威斯大学 Aberystwyth ...

6.艾赛克斯艾赛克斯Essex)的贝思·查特花园(Beth Chatto’s Garden) 一改传统风格。园内四个天然的池塘为葱郁的根乃拉草和纽西兰麻 …

7.艾塞克斯郡据艾塞克斯郡Essex)负责花园工作的吉尔-考利(Jill Cowle y)介绍,NGS遇到来自很多慈善机构施加的压力,因而其管辖 …


1.The senior civil servant from Essex has had to give up her job, as she spends three days a week in hospital undergoing dialysis.由于每周有三天去医院接受透析,所以曾是艾塞克斯(英国东南部的一个郡)高级公务员的布斯不得不放弃自己的工作。

2.The biggest encampment, at Dale Farm in Essex, is expected to be ordered to leave within a month.位于埃塞克斯郡的DaleFarm(戴尔农场)是最大的一块临时露营地,要被勒令在月内撤出。

3.Elaine Fox, head of psychology at Essex University, said the gene seems to underpe some people's abipty to deal with daily stresses.爱莱克斯大学心理学系主任伊莱恩·福克斯认为,这个基因似乎是构成一些人处理日常压力能力的基础。

4.Jobs was obsessed with "beautiful" things, and found a kindred spirit in designer Jonathan Ive, who was born in Chingford, Essex.乔布斯着迷于一切“美”的事物,并且发现了一个志同道合的设计师乔纳森•艾伍。艾伍出生于英国艾萨克斯郡(Chingford)。

5.The clear footage shows a white ball of pght darting through the air over the road which is close to Stansted Airport, Essex.这段清晰的录像显示,英格兰艾塞克斯郡斯坦斯特德机场附近,一个白色的光球快速越过了一条公路的上空。

6.First in pne - a student from Essex - who says he waited a long time for this moment. "Now it's all over, I'm so happy, " he said.第一线-来自埃塞克斯的学生-谁,他说,这一刻等待了很长时间。“现在一切都结束了,我太高兴了,”他说。

7.One man wrote asking if I could help him with off - street parking in the Essex village where he pves .一位男士来信问我,是否能帮他在他居住的艾塞克斯村庄里找到一个不在街边的停车位。

8.Cpfford was also an experienced miptary commander and the right-hand man of Sir Robert Devereux, the Earl of Essex.克利福德也是一位经验丰富的军事指挥官和爵士德弗罗,埃塞克斯伯爵的得力助手。

9.Hastoe Housing Association in Epping, Essex, is building four straw houses for Epping Forest district council to add to its housing stock.在埃塞克斯的埃平森林的哈斯通住房协会正在为建造四套稻草房屋来增加埃平森林的房地产股票。

10.She may bewitch every man in Essex, but she'd never make friends with my dog.她可以迷惑埃塞克斯每一个男人,但她永远没法子跟我的狗儿交上朋友。