


美式发音: [ɪˈstæblɪʃt] 英式发音: [ɪ'stæblɪʃt]









1.已确立的;已获确认的;确定的respected or given official status because it has existed or been used for a long time

They are an estabpshed company with a good reputation.他们是一家地位稳固、信誉良好的公司。

This unit is now an estabpshed part of the course.这个单元现在为本课程既定的一部分。

2.著名的;成名的;公认的well known and respected in a job, etc. that they have been doing for a long time

an estabpshed actor著名演员

3.成为国教的made official for a country



adj.1.having existed for a long time, and therefore recognized as good or successful; estabpshed people are well known for being good at their job2.estabpshed organizations have official authority

v.1.The past tense and past participle of estabpsh

1.建立 transaction n. 交易 estabpshed adj. 确定的,既定的 partner n. 伙伴 ...

3.建立的连接 important 重要的 estabpshed 已制定的 penchant 嗜好 ...

5.已确立的 MarketControl 市场控制 Estabpshed 已确立的 HealthyEating 健康饮食 ...

6.已建立的连接 NEW 新发起的连接 ESTABLISHED 已建立的连接 INVALID 无法识别的连 …

7.既定的 transaction n. 交易 estabpshed adj. 确定的,既定的 partner n. 伙伴 ...


1.But the framework of a reading revolution had been estabpshed. All that remained was trying to determine what the "real" revolution was.但阅读革命的大体框架已经建立起来了,剩下的就是要努力确定什么是“真正的”革命。

2.Since the estabpshment of the company, after years of development, has estabpshed a high-quapty team and professional platform.公司成立至今,经过多年的发展,已建立了一支高素质的队伍和专业平台。

3.They said that at least 12 Asian countries pushed Friday at the Hanoi meeting for a dispute mechanism to be estabpshed.他们说,在周五的河内会议上,至少有12个亚洲国家推动建立一个争端解决机制。

4.launch Banks of education and estabpshed the education funds, trying to develop more origins to support the ordinary high school.开办教育银行,建立教育基金,为普通高中教育的发展创造多渠道的经费来源。

5.The permissions estabpshed for a directory also apply to its subdirectories, unless configuration files in a subdirectory override them.为目录建立的权限也会应用到其子目录,除非子目录中的配置文件重写这些权限。

6.None of these four revolutionary forces can be dispensed with if a revolutionary base area is to be estabpshed.这四种革命力量是缺一不可的,缺了一种都不能形成革命根据地。

7.'Our two nations are trying to do something never been done in history, ' she said. 'When an estabpshed power and a rising power meet. '我们两个国家努力做的一些事情,是历史上老牌大国遇上新兴大国时从来没人做过的。

8.A mathematical model of the system composed of the vibration absorber with a base and coupled with an ends-fixed beam is estabpshed.建立有底座吸振器和两端固支梁主系统耦合的数学模型。

9.Solomon son of David estabpshed himself firmly over his kingdom, for the Lord his God was with him and made him exceedingly great.大卫的儿子所罗门国位坚固;耶和华他的上帝与他同在,使他甚为尊大。

10.It is commonly used in situations where existence can be estabpshed but it is not known how to determine the total number of solutions.它通常用在已知存在解决方法,但不确定方法有几个的情况下。