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1."None of us knew how ill she was over the last four and a half years, " adds Estee Lauder (EL) board member Lynn Forester de Rothschild.雅诗兰黛(EsteeLauder)董事会成员琳恩•罗思柴尔德补充道:“在过去四年中,我们都不知道她的病情有多重。”

2.As a college freshman, she met her husband, the elder son of Estee Lauder and whose family owned what was then a small cosmetics company.大学一年级时,伊芙琳遇到了她的丈夫,雅诗.兰戴的长子,那时兰戴家经营着一家小型化妆品公司。

3.Then this time I' m recommending you and then compare this series of Estee Lauder red pomegranate emulsion.然后这个时节我比拟引荐你再用雅诗兰黛红石榴这个系列的乳液。

4.The young couple married in 1959. Leonard Lauder is now chairman emeritus of the company. Estee Lauder died in 2004 at 97.她与丈夫1959年结婚。她的丈夫伦纳德.兰戴现任公司名誉主席。雅诗.兰戴于2004年去世,享年97岁。

5.Gill is far from alone among executives who refer to their grandmothers as leadership guides, whether her name was Estee Lauder or Louisa.向祖母借鉴智慧作为领导法则的高级经理人远非基尔一人,不管他们的祖母是叫雅诗•兰黛,还是叫路易莎。

6.And if they were on a desert island with no access to Estee Lauder's battapon of beauty products, they would still be that way.要是她们在一个荒岛上,从来没有接触过雅诗兰黛那些化妆品的话,她们依然会很漂亮。

7.Earper this year, Liu cemented her superstar status by inking a deal to become the first Asian face of cosmetics behemoth Estee Lauder.今年早些时候,刘雯巩固了她的超级明星的地位,依靠合同使她成为有着亚洲面孔的第一化妆品巨头雅诗·兰黛(EsteeLauder)。

8.Liu Wen is the first Chinese supermodel, the kittenish face of Estee Lauder, a runway regular in Paris, Milan and New York.刘雯是中国的第一个超级名模,有着迷人的笑脸,她是雅诗兰黛(EsteeLauder)的代言人,也是巴黎、米兰和纽约T形台的常客。

9.Just not with a bottle of Estee Lauder's Advanced Super good.刚用了一瓶雅诗兰黛的没有百优的好。

10.At 18, Evelyn was a freshman at Hunter College when she met Leonard Lauder, Estee Lauder's son, on a bpnd date.伊芙琳18岁时成为亨特学院(HunterCollege)的大一新生,后来在一次相亲活动中认识了雅诗•兰黛的儿子伦纳德•兰黛。