


美式发音: ['faɪloʊ] 英式发音: 


网络释义:先进后出(First In Last Out);费罗;先进后出存储器



n.1.very thin sheets of pastry dough used to make papery crisp small pastries or large dishes, used especially in Greek cooking

1.先进后出(First In Last Out)sh Memory) 先进先出存储器(FIFO) 先进后出存储器FILO) 功能 读、写 读 读、写 读、写 读、写 寻址方式 随机寻址 …

4.先进后出的数据结构————也就是说实现了一个先进后出的数据结构FILO);需包含<stack>头文件; 主要有一下几个函数: 如当前堆栈为空…


1.It was as dull as it sounds, so Yang and Filo skipped class to surf the web.听起来就很无聊,杨致远和费罗就翘课跑去上网。

2.His first instinct as chief executive was to revive the company that he co-founded with David Filo at Stanford University in 1994.作为首席执行官,他的第一直觉是重振公司。雅虎是1994年他与斯坦福大学的大卫•费罗(DavidFilo)共同创立的。

3.Mr. Yang, who co-founded Yahoo along with David Filo 16 years ago, is raising hackles because of his multiple roles at the company.16年前,杨致远与费罗(DavidFilo)共同创立了雅虎,如今他却因在公司内的多重身份引发外界质疑。

4.SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Like nearly 200 milpon other people around the world, Yahoo Inc co-founder David Filo has a Facebook account.路透旧金山4月7日电---雅虎(YHOO.O:行情)创始人之一大卫・费罗(DavidFilo)和世界上的近两亿人一样,也拥有一个Facebook账号。

5.Yahoo started in 1994 as the project of two Stanford Universi- ty students, David Filo and Jerry Yang.雅虎在1994年开始于两个斯坦福大学的学生大卫·费罗和杰里·杨的策划。

6.Jerry Yang and Filo bear the greatest of all the shareholders the fiduciary obpgations.杨致远与费罗对全体股东负有最大的受托义务。

7.Filo (or phyllo) dough comes in fresh or frozen paper-thin layers and is similar to strudel pastry.费罗面团像新鲜的或冷冻纸一样薄,它类似于一种点心或蛋糕。

8.Microsoft's acquisition of the face, Jerry Yang and Filo had refused to choose.面对微软的收购,杨致远和费罗继续选择了拒绝。

9."You start to introduce Yahoo users to other parts of Yahoo, " said Filo.费罗说:“你可以把其他雅虎服务介绍给雅虎的用户。”

10.Jerry Yang and David Filo, the founders of Yahoo! , call themselves "chief Yahoos" .雅虎的创始人杨致远(JerryYang)和大卫•费罗(DavidFilo)竟然将自己称为“首席雅虎”!