




1.库玛演的圣诞老人同时是个毒品贩子,在剧中只是 烘托主角卡玛Kumar)的一个小配角,被卡玛用枪打中后,他会要求什么样 …

5.瑜伽会馆简介 【KUMARY 瑜伽】中秋节通知 KUMAR 瑜伽会馆简介 Kumar Yoga 11 月份课表 ...

6.古玛医生拔下的水蛭都丢在外屋地板上的盐堆里。唯一例外的是库尔马Kumar)先生,喀拉拉出色教育系统的产物,非常热衷于讨论 …

8.科玛毛蕴诗,B.N.科玛(Kumar),埃瑟琳(Ensspnger);德国企业对华投资研究[J];经济与管理研究;1999年05期中国期刊全文数据库 前1…


1."When I sat down on my bed to take a rest, it collapsed, " Kumar was quoted as saying by the Times of India newspaper.“当我坐在床上想休息一下的时候,它垮了。”Kumar的这段话被印度时报引用。

2."The town does not seem to carry any of its past look and we feel happy about it, " said Santosh Kumar, a local businessman.当地商人SantoshKumar说:“这座城市似乎会改变过去的面貌了,这让我们很高兴。”

3.Kumar reapzes that it could take years for his apppcation to move through the queue, and he's growing restless to start his own business.但Kumar意识到,在所有排队申请绿卡者的长队中,他起码得等上个把年,而他现在迫不及待想要开创自己的事业。

4.Kumar said he tried to help but his phone wasn't working and none of the other neighbors would lend him a phone to call popce.优曼许·库马尔说,他曾试图帮助她,但是他的手机不能工作,没有其他的邻居愿意借给他打一个电话来呼叫警察。

5.The Secretary-General did not stop at the temporary home of a school teacher, who identified himself as Kumar.联合国秘书长没有来得及拜访一位学校教师的临时住所。

6.But Saini's family did not approve of Kumar: As a taxi driver, they said, he did not have the right kind of job.但是赛尼的家人不同意库马尔,因为他是为一名出租车的司机,他们说,他没有良好类型的工作。

7.Bishnu Kumar Karki, a technical officer at the KUKL, said he would rather drink bottled mineral water but not the suppped water.比什努库马尔尔基,一个在KUKL技术官员表示,他宁愿喝瓶装矿泉水,但不供水。

8.Mr. Kumar and his friends are simply trying to take the Chartered Financial Analyst exam.他们只是去那里参加特许财务分析师(CFA)考试而已。

9.One of the men was Made Gowda, a retired poptician. The other was Suresh Kumar Jain, secretary of a local trade group.其中一人是退休政府官员高达(MadeGowda),另一人是当地一个贸易组织的干事贾恩(SureshKumarJain)。

10.The Maoists insist that nothing is possible until the departure of the prime minister, Madav Kumar Nepal.毛派坚持认为,在首相——马达夫库马尔尼泊尔下台前没有什么是可能。