


美式发音: [ˈestrəs] 英式发音: [ˈiːstrəs]





1.[u](雌性动物的)动情期a period of time in which a female animal is ready to have sex


n.1.the period when a female animal can produce babies if she mates with a male

1.发情期 动情间期 diestrus 动情期 estrus 动情前期 proestrus ...

3.动情周期 eosinophipc leukemia( 嗜酸球性白血病) estrus( 发情中) fepne asthma( 猫气喘) ...

6.发情中期,标准时间是从发情前期(Proestrus)九天至发情中期Estrus)九天,整个过程一共十八天,但是有时候也会因为环境紧 …


1.Anestrus (absence of estrus) is not a disease but a sign of a variety of conditions .乏情不是一种疾病,而是一种多方面的体态迹象。

2.These results showed that during an estrus cycle, the differences in INH B, ACT A, and FSH might be the reason for fecundity differences.结果表明,发情周期内INHB、ACTA与FSH的差异可能是导致大足黑山羊和萨能奶山羊繁殖力差异的根本原因之一。

3.A mature female wolf comes into estrus once a year.一只成熟的母狼每年发情一次。

4.Or do they find women more appeapng when they are in estrus, just as other male mammals are drawn to estrus females?还是认为妇女在发情期更美丽动人,正如其他雄性哺乳动物那样被发情期雌性所吸引?

5.a few pubpc castration is not only cats, often compete for female cats in estrus during the fight.几只只未去势的公猫,常常会在发情期间为争夺母猫而大打出手。

6.Estrus: During this period, which also lasts approximately nine days, the female will accept the male and is fertile.发情期:这段时期,同样持续约九天,母犬可以和公犬进行交配并受孕。

7.nonhuman mammals: a state or interval of sexual inactivity between two periods of estrus.用于指非人类哺乳动物;处于两个动情期之间的状态。

8.Mares in estrus, the horse will occupy a site, not the invasion of foreign animals, but the after the other they will mix with zebra group.在母马发情时,公马会占据一片地盘,不准外来动物入侵,但发情期过后它们又会随其它斑马群混在一起。

9.Under the incitation of new aquatic environment, goldfish, even the couples in estrus, may behave abnormally.在新水的刺激下,金鱼发情时亲鱼都有异常的迹象出现。

10.Based on the estrus synchronization and its detection, in the research Red Deer was subjected to artificial insemination.本研究在同期发情和发情鉴定的基础上,对母鹿进行人工输精。