


美式发音: [et ˈset(ə)rə] 英式发音: ['etk]


网络释义:电子不停车收费(Electronic Toll Collection);不停车收费系统;电子收费


adv.et al


adv.1.等等; 以及其他(类似的); 诸如此类

1.电子不停车收费(Electronic Toll Collection) vt. goods 货物 n. etc 诸如此类;等等 abbr. representative 代表;典型人物 ...

4.电子收费从电子收费ETC)系统的理论简介、流程操作到广东省的运营经验,省中心技术人员按照省公司的计划要求耐心有序地对我 …




1.Constantly prepared to implement preventive and corrective actions in program development, regarding personnel, equipment, materials, etc.不断准备对生产计划执行中产生的人事、设备、材料等问题采取预防性措施和正确的处理方法。

2.Pertaining to a unit of code, data, file, page, segment etc. in a multiprogramming system is available to two or more concurrent programs.在多道程序处理系统中,用于修饰或说明两个或多个并发程序可以使用的一组代码、数据、文件、页面、段等。

3.Channel is in inland, lakes, harbor etc. such a water aerial for the ship security navigable.航道是指在内河、湖泊、港湾等水域供船舶安全通航的的通道。

4.The white oil is one of the important petroleum products, and is appped to the foodstuff industry, the materia medica production etc.白油是重要的石油加工产品,应用于食品、药品生产等诸多行业,关乎人民生命财产安全。

5.Firstly, it defines the concept of the Marxism human demand from its nature, levels, classification, property, development mechanism, etc.首先,对马克思主义人的需要范畴从需要的实质、层次、分类、属性、发展机制等方面进行了界定。

6.Famous brand company can write brand awareness how many country, how much coverage throughout the crowd standing in a field, etc.知名品牌公司可以写品牌知名度遍布多少国家,覆盖多少人群,在某领域排名第几等。

7.They should be fully involved in the family finances, knowing how much comes in, how it gets allocated, saved, etc.他们应该充分参与家庭财政管理并且清楚收入多少,如何分配收入,多少收入用于储蓄等等。

8.such as database records, etc. File conversion or restructuring is often necessary before files can be imported to database apppcations.在文件被导入到数据库程式之前转换和调整是必要的。

9.Yes. The FEELING is of excitement etc, yet it is sort of pke FEELING a bursting open inside the heart.是的,这感受刺激的不得了呢,这像是那种猛然打开内心的感受。

10.All the other conditions were equal between the two groups(as well as classes): the same teacher, textbook and length of class time, etc.两个组在任课教师,教材,授课时间等方面都相同,唯一的区别在于采用了不同的教学方法。