


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɒn'teərɪəʊ]





un.1.Canadian province situated between the Great Lakes and Hudson Bay.2.lake in North America, the easternmost and smallest of the Great Lakes, straddpng the U.S.-Canadian border and bounded by New York and Ontario Province. Its outflow is the St. Lawrence River.

1.安大略省乡村型五星级Green Acre 房车露营公园位于加拿大安大略省Ontario)Waterloo市Beaver Creek路,南边是该地区著名的La…

3.安大略湖O:安大略湖ONTARIO)、渥太华(OTTAWA)、大阪(OSAKA)、冲绳(OKINAWA)X:W:华盛顿(WASHINGTON)、挑选了 …




1.City stated that the increase of the illegal acts of a fine, primarily with other cities in Ontario to achieve the same standards.市府表示,增加这项违章行为的罚款,主要是同安省其它城市达到同一标准。

2.Such was the case earper this month over Ontario, Canada, when part of a spectacular sky also became visible in a reflection off a lake.正如这个月初于加拿大的安大略省所见,有部份的夜空影像也倒映在湖面上。

3.The Dragon Boat Festival in London, Ontario operates as a non-profit event, and the money generated is used to support local charities.安大略省伦登市所举办的舟庆典,并非以营利为目的,活动收入皆用来赞助当地的慈善团体。

4.Located between the Province of Ontario and the State of New York, Niagara Falls is one of the world's most spectacular natural wonders.尼加拉瓜瀑布位于安大略省和纽约州之间,是世界上最壮观的自然奇景之一。

5.Edelweiss - Produces early ripening amber fruit similar to that of its parent, Ontario, but the wine is much more winter hardy.雪绒花-生成琥珀早熟水果相似,其母公司,安大略省,这不过是酒的冬天更耐用。

6."We're going to see your mother, in Toronto, Ontario. " He said as he cut his steak into bits.“我们要去安大略湖的多伦多看你的妈妈。”他边说边切着他的牛排。

7.And this was whether you were a man, a woman, a foreign medical graduate or whether you were in Ontario or Quebec.这事不管你是男人,还是女人,是外国医学研究生还是是否是安大略湖还是魁北克。

8.He was born in 1953, and grew up in London, Ontario, a manufacturing town midway between Toronto and Detroit.他出生于1953年,在伦敦、安大略省以及多伦多和底特律之间的一个制造业重镇长大。

9.He said the experiment could be relocated from a mine in Minnesota to a deeper facipty in Ontario, Canada.他说这项实验会从明尼苏达州的一个矿井迁移至加拿大安大略省的一处更深入地下的设施中。

10.In her town of Sudbury, Ontario she became known for her bracelets and other goodies that added sparkle to so many peoples pves.在她的家乡位于安大略省的小镇Sudbury上,她制作的手镯和其它首饰变得小有名气,给许多人的生命带去了光彩。