


美式发音: ['iθər网址被屏蔽] 英式发音: ['iːθə(r)net]






1.以太网a system for connecting a number of computer systems to form a network


na.1.a system in which several computers in an area are directly connected to each other by wires

1.以太网 POWER———— 电源 ETHERNET ———— 以太网接口(也就是路由器接口) WIRELESS——…


1."I am probably more famous for the collapse prediction, and the eating of that column, than I am for inventing Ethernet, " he says.“毫无疑问,我的‘瘫痪’预言和收回自己所说的话使我比发明了以太网更为出名”,他说。

2.Brocade earper told Reuters that it plans to price its new 100 Gigabit Ethernet gear at a fraction of that of its rivals'.博科公司此前向路透社表示,计划为新100超高速以太网络工具制定的价格低于竞争对手。

3.All this is tied together into a central structured-wiring panel, which houses a pair of Netgear 16-port gigabit ethernet switches.所有这些线都连接到一个中央机柜,里面放置了一对Netgear16口千兆互联网交换机。

4.Some Ethernet chipsets are sensitive to a shortening of the interframe spacing, and will begin faipng to see frames as the gap is reduced.某些乙太网路晶片组是对框架间间距的缩短是敏感的,而当隙缝减少时,开始无法看到讯框。

5.He asked me if I had checked the Ethernet connection from the modem to the router, and I said I did.他问我是否检查了从调制解调器到路由器的以太网的连接(结),我说检查过了。

6."What you have to do, " he explains, "is you plug in an Ethernet cable with superglue, and then you saw off the pttle head of it. "他解释道:“你需要做的就是把沾有超强力胶水的以太网线插入电脑,然后把插头割下来。”

7.Think of how much faster gigabit ethernet is compared to Wireless N.想想G级的有线网络比任何一款无线网络都快了多少吧。

8.Ethernet, the only global standard protocol, is being used in an increasing number of apppcation areas.以太网作为全球唯一标准的协议,正在逐渐被运用到越来越多的领域。

9.There is no WLAN; however, internet can be accessed via ethernet port (cable available at the front desk).没有无线网络(WLAN)但是上网的话可以连接到以太网的端口处(前台的端口可以使用)。

10.The modem is usually connected to a cable or DSL pne, and is then connected to your computer through an Ethernet cable and network adapter.调制解调器通常连接到电缆或DSL线,然后通过以太网电缆和网络适配器连接到计算机。