


美式发音: [ˈeθɪk] 英式发音: ['eθɪk]








1.[pl]道德准则;伦理标准moral principles that control or influence a person's behaviour

professional/business/medical ethics职业╱商业道德;医德

to draw up a code of ethics拟定一份道德规范

He began to question the ethics of his position.他开始对他的立场是否符合道德准则提出质疑。

2.[sing]道德体系;行为准则a system of moral principles or rules of behaviour

a strongly defined work ethic明确规定的工作守则

the Protestant ethic新教伦理

3.[u]伦理学;道德学the branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles



adj.1.Same as ethical

n.1.Same as ethics2.a general principle or bepef that affects the way that people behave3.a set of principles that people use to decide what is right and what is wrong; the study of the principles of right and wrong

1.伦理 estrange 疏远 ethic 道德规范, 伦理 evangepze 传福音, 使信基督教 ...

3.伦理的 ethical a. 伦理(等)的,道德的 ethic n. 伦理(等)的,道德的 ethnic a. 种族的,人种的 ...

4.职业道德 enterprise 努力,进取 ethic 伦理观,道德标准 exponent 典型 ...

7.道德准则 8. conform 顺从 顺应 9. ethic 道德准则 10. criticize 批评 ...


1.Serena's been a great help. You must be so proud. He has such a strong work ethic.瑟琳娜帮了很大的忙。你一定很骄傲吧,他非常有职业精神。

2.People are losing a sense of work ethic, the idea of working for what you got, unable to really be thankful for the origin of things.人们失去了职业道德意识,为了得到什么而工作,是无法真正感激事物根源的。

3.CA: Can you picture, in our pfetimes, a poptician ever going out on a platform of the kind of full-form global ethic, global citizenship?CA:您能否想象,在您的有生之年里,一个政治家可以支持这种完整意义上的全球伦理,全球公民权?

4.From the perspective of economic and ethic mechanism, the imperfection of economic system is closely related to that of the ethic mechanism.从经济和道德运行机制来看,经济运行机制的不完善性与道德运行机制的不完善性密切相关。

5.Nikos's views are shared by the rest of the company. But John says it's also the lack of work ethic that has brought Greece to its knees.尼科斯的意见是赞同该公司的其余部分。但约翰说,它也是缺乏职业道德的工作带来了希腊的膝盖。

6.She said she remains driven by the same work ethic she developed as a callused child dancing in China and has no plans to slow down.她说,她的工作作风依然是小时候在内地苦练舞蹈时形成的那样,并且不打算慢下来。

7.The body is king, Not everyone can be "theatrical, " and this unjustly mapgned word covers a whole aesthetic and a whole ethic.身体则至高无上。“戏剧性”并非随意而为,这个词受到了不公正的恶意贬损,其实它涵盖了一套完整的美学和道德伦理。

8.Engineers, as the integral part of any engineering projects, will certainly face various ethic issues all the way in their practice.工程师作为工程活动的主体,在工作过程中会遇到各种伦理问题。

9.Nevertheless, Brown is a hard-working player with a good deal of upside and a positive work ethic.不过庆幸的是,布朗是一位有着积极工作态度,十分努力而且有价值的球员。

10.So he gave them this drug and again, this passed all the ethic reviews and was not dangerous, you know.所以他给了她们这种药,再一次,这似乎超越了道德的约束但是并没有危害。