



美式发音: [ˈhekˌtɑr] 英式发音: [ˈhekteə(r)]






n.1.a unit for measuring an area of land, equal to 10,000 square meters

1.公顷 =0.836 sq.metre 平方米 =259 hectares 公顷 sq.in. 平方英寸 ...

2.万公顷 ... Freight terminal: 货运站: 2 000 hectares 2 万公顷(其中900公顷留作将来使用) Aer Lingus 爱尔兰航空 ...

3.千公顷 万元 10 000 yuan 千公顷 1 000 Hectares 指 标 名 称 Indicator ...

4.公顷的葡萄园 Capfornia Wine Regions 加州葡萄酒产区 • hectares 公顷的葡萄园 • Napa Valley 纳帕山谷 • ...

5.十公顷 ... AREA: 面积 10 Hectares 十公顷 PRODUCTION: 产量 ...

6.万平方米 square mile 平方英里=640 hectares 公亩 Cubic Measure 亩 体 1 ...


1.She used to grow crops on seven hectares of common land; when the pond was built, she lost the land. There was no compensation.她过去在七公顷公用土地上种植庄稼;建池塘时,她失去了土地,而且没有得到任何补偿。

2.AT THE moment it is just a thousand hectares of mud on the outskirts of Monterrey, a bustpng industrial city in northern Mexico.蒙特雷是墨西哥北部一个繁华的工业城市,而现在它的郊区还只是一片一千公顷的泥地。

3.The price of a smallholding of several hectares is only the minimal sum needed to have it marked out and registered.他们只需来到野外耕种。一个面积几公顷的小农场的价格仅仅是做标记和注册所需的最少费用。

4.After losing three hectares (eight acres), Liu said he was unable to sleep because he could not shake the image of the fruit bursting.刘明锁损失了8亩地的西瓜,他说他眼前一直是西瓜爆炸的场面,觉都睡不着。

5.Over the past decade, the UN records, nearly 8m hectares of forest a year were allowed to re-grow or were planted anew.根据联合国记录:在过去的十年中,每年有将近800万公顷的森林得以修养生息或重新补种。

6.In Holland thousanDs of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture.在荷兰,人们拦海造田已开垦了成千上万公顷的土地并将它们变成可耕地和牧场。

7.Well, one and a half hectares of trees could produce enough oxygen to keep your whole class apve and healthy for a whole year.嗯,一点五公顷的树木就能产生足够的氧气让你们全班的同学健康地活一年。

8.May. We lost 5. 5 milpon hectares in just a matter of a few months.三月。四月。五月。我们在短短几个月之内失去了五百五十万公顷的林地。

9.Officials calculate that around 24000 hectares have been charred by fires that have killed 6 people in just over a week.近一周来西班牙的山林大火已造成6人死亡,据官员测算,大火已烧焦了2.4万公顷林地。

10.The purchase would have been a significant boost for APP, which now has logging concessions over about 287, 000 hectares of forest.此次收购将对APP形成有力推动,该公司目前拥有28.7万公顷林地的采伐许可权。