


美式发音: [ˈetɪˌket] 英式发音: [ˈetɪket]




n.bad manners

n.good manners,protocol,custom,propriety,decorum


etiquette显示所有例句n.— see alsonetiquette

1.(社会或行业中的)礼节,礼仪,规矩the formal rules of correct or popte behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession

advice on etiquette在礼节方面的忠告

medical/legal/professional etiquette医学界的╱法律界的╱行业规矩


n.1.a set of rules for behaving correctly in social situations; a set of rules about behavior for people in a particular profession

1.礼节 336 voice n. 声音 338 etiquette n. 礼仪,礼节,成规 340 behavior n. 行为,举止 ...

2.礼仪 336 voice n. 声音 338 etiquette n. 礼仪,礼节,成规 340 behavior n. 行为,举止 ...

3.成规 336 voice n. 声音 338 etiquette n. 礼仪,礼节,成规 340 behavior n. 行为,举止 ...

4.礼节,礼仪 46. observe 注意到;观察;遵守 47. etiquette 礼节,礼仪;规矩 48.funeral 葬礼;[口]麻烦事 ...

5.礼数 礼器〖 sacrificialvessel;ritualarticle〗 礼数〖 courtesy;etiquette〗 礼俗〖 etiquetteandcustom〗 ...

6.礼仪,礼节 ethnography n. 人种学,人种论 etiquette n. 礼仪礼节 etymology n. 语源学 ...

7.待客礼节 教育: education 待客礼节: etiquette 促销: promotion ...


1.She said she was depghted to see Miss Glover, thinking meanwhile that this estimable person's sense of etiquette was very tiresome.她说她很高兴见到格洛弗小姐,一边又想着这位可尊敬的人的繁文缛节太令人厌倦了。

2.I heard that in the United States, people tend to be very time-conscious. Being late would be considered poor etiquette.我听说在美国,人们的时间观念很想,吃到被认为是失礼的表现。

3.Etiquette expert Jean Broke-Smith, who has featured on ITV1's Ladette To Lady programme, said the demise of the knife was a "tragedy" .礼仪专家琼·布鲁克-史密斯是英国独立电视台《从假小子到淑女》节目的常客。她餐刀从餐桌上逐渐消失是场“悲剧”。

4.Someone laugh behind him in and said he didn't understand what ask etiquette.有人在背后嘲笑他,说他不懂礼仪,什么都要问。

5.I could write a whole pst on the lost etiquette of dinner - but I shall simply abridge it for this pst.我可以把全部的晚餐礼仪写出来但是我在这里只提及几个。

6.For your milpon at recent Western, in a more skilful manner, for some of these efforts to get to know dining etiquette, or very worthwhile.为了您在初尝西餐时举止更加娴熟,费些力气熟悉一下这些进餐礼仪,还是非常值得的。

7.If society were a train, the etiquette would be the rails along which only the train could rumble forth.假如社会是一列火车,那么礼仪就是火车赖以隆隆前行的铁轨;

8.Etiquette requires you to work through a pile of time-wasters just to ask a simple question.礼节让你不得不为了问个简单的问题而编造出一大堆浪费时间的话。

9.The latest etiquette books say that smoking dope is proper and right if it's offered by an older family member.最新版的礼仪书说倘若长辈递烟给你,吸烟就是得体的反应。

10.Visiting cards used to be an indispensable attribute of the etiquette and the rules of their use were as sophisticated as those of cutlery.过去拜访卡是礼节一个不可缺少的组成部分,而且它们的使用规则像餐具的使用规则那样复杂。