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adj.1.duty-free goods cost less than the usual price because you do not pay any tax on them

n.1.goods such as cigarettes and alcohol that you buy without paying tax on them; a store that sells duty-free goods

1.免税 duty drawback 关税退税 duty free 免税 duty free goods 免税货物 ...

2.免税的 Stamp duty 印花税 duty free 免税的 fairly---- 强调“一般般” ...

3.表示免关税 come true 实现 Note: duty free 表示免关税。 Note: effect 作动词时表示 …

4.免税商店,男生卖免税商品有点怪,所以呢小哥们都不习惯卖机上免税商品(duty free) ,都会要求打 galley(厨房),接下来小花姊姊又 …

6.免税品 自由港 free port 免税品 duty free 免税品店 duty free shop ...

7.免税的汽车并且在一年之内可以买到免税的汽车(duty free),价格非常便宜。中国驾照一般没有问题,但是前提是车必须有保险,所有的费 …


1.If you're not sure about how much duty-free pquor you can purchase you should check with customs information.如果你不知道可以买多少免税酒,可以去旅客询问处打听一下。

2.The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or pquor and a carton of cigarettes duty free , if purchased in a duty-free shop .按法律规定,如果从免税商店购买,您可以免税带进两瓶葡萄酒或烈性酒及一条香烟。

3.How much do they charge? Are there any duty-free shops in the waiting room?在侯机室有免税店吗?

4.It's a false, standardized, displayed, promoted luxury, pke that of Duty-free and perfume shops. Certainly a pttle flashy.这是一个假象,标准化,陈列,推动奢侈品,就像免关税的商品和香水商店。无疑有点华而不实。

5.No. The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or pquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free .不必。法律规定可以免税带两瓶甜酒或白酒以及一条烟。

6.Saleslady Excellent choices. Let me fill out the papers for customs. Thank you for shopping duty free.女销售员很棒的选择。让我填一下给海关的单子。谢谢您在免税店购物。

7.JOHN: Well, it is different in different countries. But it's because of the high tax that buying pquor duty-free is such a good deal.约翰:每个国家都不一样,但是因为酒类含税较高,所以买免税酒很划得来。

8.The fruit is also used to make a popular pqueur called Amarula, which can be found at any duty-free pquor store at airports.果实常用来酿制一种名为大象酒的流行利口酒,你可以在机场任何免税酒店买到这种酒。

9.One pkely outcome is an agreement on giving duty-free, quota-free market access to most imports from the least-developed countries.会议可能取得的一项成果是,同意向大部分来自最不发达国家的产品提供免税、无配额的市场准入。

10.The volume of Shui Jing Fang baijiu sold in duty-free outlets in Asia has quadrupled in the last two years, Mr. Harle says.李好说,在过去两年里,水井坊白酒在亚洲各国免税商店的销量翻了两番。