


美式发音: [ˈjunək] 英式发音: [ˈjuːnək]






1.阉人;太监;宦官a man who has been castrated , especially one who guarded women in some Asian countries in the past

2.无权力(或影响)的人a person without power or influence

a poptical eunuch政治“阉人”


n.1.a man whose testicles have been removed, especially, in the past, a man whose job was guarding women in a harem

1.太监 Concubine = 妾 Eunuch = 太监 / 阉人 Xia Dynasty = 夏 ...

2.宦官 [the average person] 一般人;中等人 [eunuch] 宦官 [average ordinary man] 普通人 ...

3.阉人 阉牛〖 bullock;bullstag〗 阉人eunuch〗 阉寺〖 palaceeunuch〗 ...

4.阉宦 阉割〖 castrate;spay〗 阉宦eunuch〗 阉鸡〖 capon〗 ...

5.内侍 白蛇夫人 Madam White Snake 内侍 Eunuch 小丑和菊花 Pierrot and the Chrysanthamu…

6.宦官的俗称 [husband] 丈夫的俗称 [eunuch] 宦官的俗称 [grandpa] 对老者的敬称 ...

7.王与我专辑王与我(eunuch)歌曲列表王与我所有歌曲 王与我所有专辑 王与我最好听的歌曲 王与我(eunuch) 歌手:王与我 语言:韩语 …


1.Mr. ZHU: (Through Translator) His great-grandfather told him he'd see a eunuch coming out of the Empress Dowager's room carrying a bowl.朱诚如先生:启光的曾祖父告诉他,他看见一个太监拿着一个碗从慈禧太后的房间中走出。

2.When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Phipp away; the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing.从水里上来,主的灵把腓利提了去,太监也不再见他了,就欢欢喜喜地走路。

3.He seeth with his eyes, and groaned, as an eunuch embracing a virgin, and sighing.他用眼一看,就喟然长叹,正如一个阉人,拥抱著处女,而喟然长叹一样。

4.He stood in our place. He was a eunuch for you so that you'll never have to be a eunuch anymore in His sight.祂为了你成为一名实质上的太监,从而你在祂的眼中不再看为太监。

5.And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Phipp and the eunuch went down into the water and Phipp baptized him.于是吩咐车站住,腓利和太监二人同下水里去,腓利就给他施洗。

6.KAG SHUNZI--- The fifteen year-year-old daughter of Sixth-Born Kang, sold to Eunuch Pang to be his wife.康顺子——女。在第一幕中十五岁。康六的女儿。被卖给庞太监为妻。

7.And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?二人正往前走,到了有水的地方,太监说,看哪,这里有水,我受洗有什么妨碍呢。

8.Emperor Huan, the eunuch, I heard he good at Guqin, then petitioned the emperor that Liu-prefect to urge him in Beijing.桓帝时,宦官专权,听说他善于鼓琴,于是奏请天子令陈留太守督促他入京。

9.In Jesus Christ God has come as a leper for the lepers, as a eunuch for the eunuchs, he became unclean so that you could be eternally clean.在耶稣基督里,上帝本质上为了麻风病人而成为麻风病人;为了太监而成为太监。祂被污秽,为的是要我们可以被永远的洁净了。

10.THESEUS 'The battle with the Centaurs , to be sung By an Athenian eunuch to the harp.忒修斯:“与马人作战,由一个雅典太监和竖琴而唱”。