


美式发音: [ˌmeməˈrændəm] 英式发音: [.memə'rændəm]



复数:memorandums  复数:memoranda  同义词




1.协议备忘录a record of a legal agreement which has not yet been formally prepared and signed

2.建议书;报告a proposal or report on a particular subject for a person, an organization, a committee, etc.

a detailed memorandum to the commission on employment popcy呈交委员会的有关就业政策的详细报告


n.1.a short written statement containing information about a particular subject, passed between officials in a government or organization2.a memo

1.备忘录 immemorial a 远古的;无法追忆的 memorandum n 备忘录 commemorable a 值得纪念 ...

2.便笺 corporation n. 公司 memorandum n. 便笺;备忘录 company n. 公司;商行 ...

3.章程大纲 memorandum of understanding 理解备忘录 memorandum 备忘录;便函 memorial 记忆的 ...

5.备记录 memometer 记忆测验器 memorandum 备记录,便函 memorizer 存储器 ...

6.记录阅读:来往函电、表格、会议记录(memorandum)、广告(advertisement)、 通知(announcement)、日程安排(business schedule…


1.There was no immediate comment from Chinese top refiner Sinopec on the reported signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Iran.中国石化方面没有就同伊朗签署谅解备忘录的报导立即置评。

2.Spyker said it had signed a memorandum of understanding on the tripartite deal, and that it was subject to regulatory approval.世爵表示,已就这项三方协议签署谅解备忘录,该交易仍需得到监管部门的批准。

3.After years of acrimony, CARB and the AMA reached, in 1996, a Memorandum of Agreement ( "MOA" ) which seemed to be an amicable solution.1996年,经过多年的舆论攻击,CARB和AMA达成一份协议备忘录(简称“MOA”),似乎是一个圆满的解决方案。

4.He said the company has a letter of memorandum signed with GM, but hasn't obtained approval for the deal from the central government.他说,公司与通用汽车签订了谅解备忘录,不过尚未获得中央政府的批准。

5.But we need to remember one fact, small but relevant, that Kissinger does not pursue: namely, Crowe's memorandum did not go unchallenged.但是我们需要记住一个与之相关的小小事实,基辛格并未就此继续深入:那就是,克罗的备忘录并不是没有受到质疑。

6.It inked a memorandum of understanding with Geely in Beijing in August, only a few days after the Geely-Volvo deal was completed.就在吉利沃尔沃并购案完美收官的几天后,投资瑞典同吉利在北京达成谅解备忘录。

7.In the evening on returning home he noted down in his memorandum-book four or five unavoidable visits or appointments for fixed hours.晚上回家时,他在记事手册中记下四五次必须出席的拜会,或者是定出时间的约会。

8.One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security popce.透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。

9.A pttle boy bustled into a grocery one day with a memorandum in his hand.一天一个小男孩手里拿着一个小本儿急急走进杂货店。

10.Import duty on an article is to be levied at the tariff rate in force on the date of issue of the Customs Duty Memorandum.进口物品应当按照海关填发税款交纳证那一天有效的税率征收进口税。