


美式发音: [-ʃə] 英式发音: [juəˈreiʒə]





n.1.the land mass consisting of the continents of Europe and Asia

1.欧亚大陆亚草原(Eurasia Steppes)为核心的“内陆欧亚”(Eurasia),地理位置约为东起黑龙江、松花江流域,西抵多瑙河、伏尔加河流域。

5.欧亚大洲 ethnic segregation 种族隔离 Eurasia 欧亚大洲 eustasy 海面升降;海面进退 ...

6.欧亚航空公司欧亚航空公司Eurasia)与中央航空运输公司(CATC)第二次世界大战后的民用航空·中央政府的航空从1927年到1937年的航 …

7.欧亚谘询欧亚谘询(Eurasia)总裁、《自由市场终结》(The End of the Free Market)作者伊恩•布雷默(Ian Bremmer)表示,这场由中国引领 …


1.East is close to the Pacific Ocean. west meets the Baltic Sea Gulf of Finland. north is near Arctic Ocean. stretches across the Eurasia.东濒太平洋。西接波罗的海芬兰湾。北临北冰洋。横跨欧亚大陆。

2.Last winter, too, was exceptionally snowy and cold across the Eastern United States and Eurasia, as were seven of the previous nine winters.去年冬天和之前九年中的七年一样,出乎寻常的大雪纷飞,寒流甚至席卷了美国东部地区和欧亚大陆。

3.The movement of organisms into new environments drives speciation, and the arrival of apes in Eurasia was no exception.生物进入新环境,就会促成新物种形成,猿类进入欧亚大陆也不例外。

4.Compared with the sea, weak anisotropy and relatively complex direction of maximum velocity is observed in the Eurasia.相对海洋来说,欧亚大陆各向异性强度较弱且快波方向较复杂。

5.Genghis Khan, the king on the horse has left startpng quiver memory at the Eurasia with the iron heel pke the whirlwind.马背上的王者成吉思汗以旋风般的铁蹄,在欧亚大陆留下了令人心惊胆颤的记忆。

6.Europe and Eurasia, U. S. Chamber of Commerce Deputy Director of the U. S. and Europe Litman also appealed to the common resolve this issue.美国商会欧洲和欧亚大陆事务副总监利特曼更呼吁美欧共同解决此问题。

7.Subspecies, differentiation in various depths of depths of Eurasia, also is one of the most common finches.亚种分化极多,广布于我国南北各地,也广布于欧亚大陆,是一种最常见的雀类。

8.As any good adventure must have, there is, I suppose, a romantic reason for disappearing into Eurasia as well.也许任何探险都需要有一个浪漫的理由,我的亚欧大陆之旅也一样。

9.The writer is the president of Eurasia Group, a poptical risk consultancy, and author of 'The End of the Free Market'本文作者是政治风险咨询公司欧亚集团(EurasiaGroup)总裁,著有《自由市场的终结》(TheEndoftheFreeMarket)一书

10.Actually, as Winston well knew, it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Eastasia and in alpance with Eurasia.可其实,温斯顿就知道,迟至四年以前,大洋国便是跟东亚国打仗,跟欧亚国结盟。