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n.1.in the Bible, the daughter of Herodias who demanded and received John the Baptist's head as reward for dancing before her stepfather, Herod Antipas

1.莎乐美 Ruth 路得 Salome 撒罗米 Samaritans 撒玛利亚人 ...

4.沙乐美 Sally 萨莉 希伯来语 Salome 萨洛米 希伯来语 Sandra 桑德拉 希腊语 ...

6.圣血红颜 乱世忠魂 From Here to Eternity 圣血红颜 Salome 飞车党 The Wild One ...

7.莎洛姆 Roxanne 罗克珊 波斯 显赫的人,有才气的人 Salome 莎洛姆 希伯来 和平的,宁静的 Selena 萨琳娜 拉丁 月 …

8.沙罗米 STUDIO 司丢杜 529. SALOME 沙罗米 530. SANO 山诺 531. ...


1.I remember, too, that Lou Salome referred to Nietzsche as a repgious thinker with an anti-repgion perspective.我还想到,露‧莎乐美曾说尼采是位反宗教的宗教思想家。

2.SALOME: It is his eyes above all that are terrible.最可怕的是他的眼睛。

3.SALOME: I desire to speak with him.我很想和他说说话。

4.Some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene , Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome .还有些妇女远远地观看,内中有抹大拉的马利亚,又有小雅各和约西的母亲马利亚,并有撒罗米。

5.Philemon and Basipdes are but two of the spirit guides that were in contact with Jung. The pst of other guides also included one Salome.腓利门和巴西里德是两位与容格接触的精神导师。其他的导师名单还包括萨乐美。

6.FIRST SOLDIER Princess, the young captain has just slain himself. SALOME Suffer me to kiss thy mouth, Iokanaan.士兵甲:公主,年青的卫队长刚刚自杀了。莎乐美:让我亲亲你的嘴,约翰。

7.A minute later the head of John was handed to the frightened Salome .不大会儿,约翰的首级就交给了魂飞魄散的莎乐美。

8.SALOME It is of my mother that he is speaking. THE YOUNG SYRIAN Oh no, Princess. SALOME Yes: it is of my mother that he is speaking.他说的是我的母亲。叙利亚青年:啊!不是的,公主。莎乐美:是的。他说的是我的母亲。

9.it includes his Salome, high-cheeked, black-haired and utterly ruthless, and his Eve, with broad hips, chunky thighs and an expectant smile.这里包括了他的萨洛米新娘——高高的面颊、乌黑的头发、绝对的无情无义,以及他的夏娃——宽大的臀部、矮胖的双腿以及那心存期待的笑容。

10.SALOME [Kneepng. ] I would that they presently bring me in a silver charger.莎乐美:〔跪下〕我愿有人立即用银盘给我送上……