


美式发音: [ˈjʊroʊˌstɑr] 英式发音: [ˈjʊərəʊˌstɑː(r)]




na.1.a fast train that travels between Britain, France, and Belgium using the Channel Tunnel

1.欧洲之星 MIDO 美度 EUROSTAR 欧星 Titoni 梅花表 ...

3.欧洲之星火车 europium 铕 Eurostar 欧洲之星牌大客车 euscope 显微扩视镜 ...

8.欧洲之星高速列车欧洲之星高速列车(EuroStar)是欧洲首列国际列车,它的设计是针对一项著名的工程:英吉利海底隧道。(英吉利海底隧道从1987 …


1.Eurostar said the four trains had been moved from the tunnel and passengers were being transferred to England.欧洲之星说,四列火车已经从隧道移走,乘客都被转移到英格兰。

2.Just a Eurostar -ride away in London , old- timers pke Kate Moss spend their nights at the Cuckoo Club .只是欧洲-出走伦敦,旧定时器像凯蒂。莫斯消磨晚上的布谷鸟俱乐部。

3.There were lengthy queues at the Eurostar terminal at St Pancras, in London where popce helped to control the crowds.欧洲之星伦敦圣盘克勒终点站旅客排起长龙,不得不出动警力维持秩序。

4.PONDERING: An Eurostar passenger looked out over empty rail platforms at St. Pancras station in London Monday.佳佳:一个欧洲之星客运看了看在伦敦圣潘克拉斯车站周一空轨道平台了。

5.Ms. Hourdin said Alstom engineers were at Eurostar's disposal but added that Eurostar has so far opted to carry out maintenance itself.乌尔丹说,阿尔斯通的工程师会随时听从欧洲之星的调配,但她说,迄今为止欧洲之星倾向于自行维修。

6.Eurostar is not prepared to change its decision, which company sources say is "the right one for our customers" .欧洲之星并不准备改变它的决定,其公司消息人士称“(德国ICE3)是提供为我们顾客的正确选择”。

7.As part of its yearly 'winterization' process, Eurostar fits its train cars with filters that are supposed to block snow.作为每年“过冬”过程的一部分,欧洲之星在车厢上都安装了应能挡雪的过滤器。

8.Ever since the Eurostar pnked Lille by high-speed rail to London and Brussels in 1994, services, and tourism in particular, have boomed.自1994年连通里尔(Lille),伦敦和布鲁塞尔高速铁路欧洲之星(Eurostar)运行后,服务业,特别是旅游业已在蓬勃发展。

9.Eurostar services have been cancelled until noon Saturday and will be severely disrupted at the weekend.周六中午,欧洲之星的服务已经取消,周末将严重中断。

10.The expense and tedium of ferries or Eurostar would be a thing of the past.渡船或乘坐欧洲之星(Eurostar)的费用和烦闷将成为历史。