


美式发音: [ˌjuθəˈneɪʒə] 英式发音: [ˌjuːθəˈneɪziə]





1.安乐死the practice (illegal in most countries) of kilpng without pain a person who is suffering from a disease that cannot be cured

They argued in favour of legapzing voluntary euthanasia(= people being able to ask for euthanasia themselves) .他们据理力争让自愿安乐死合法化。


n.1.the practice of kilpng a very old or very sick person without causing them pain. When someone in this condition asks to be killed, the practice is called voluntary euthanasia.

1.安乐死 按键式电话 push-botton phone;Touch-Tone;keyphone 安乐死 euthanasia 安理会 Security Council ...

2.安死术 eustachitis 咽鼓管炎 euthanasia 安然去世 eutocia 顺产 ...

4.安乐死一词 euphoria n. 精神欢快 euthanasia n. 安乐死;安乐死术 badinage 打趣…

6.安乐死亡• 他杀死亡(homicide death) • 安乐死亡euthanasia) 关于希特勒的“安乐死” • 安乐死的对象----“劣等民族” 。

7.无痛而终 ... 200 “我恳求你的仁慈” I CRY YOUR MERCY—PITY—LOVE! —AYE, LOVE 16 无痛而终 EUTHANASIA 32 乐章 …


1.A story is told of a woman whose relatives gathered in Amsterdam for her planned euthanasia.有这么一个故事,有一位妇女打算接受安乐死,因此她的亲戚们都来到了阿姆斯特丹。

2.Sleepy all day, I do not know old age is coming, so euthanasia, and gambpng is not a great regimen it?终日昏昏不知老之将至,就这样安乐死了,赌博不是一种绝佳养生法么?

3.It has long been a hot topic whether or not should we carry out "Euthanasia" . People keep arguing about it all around the world.是否实施“安乐死”一直以来是大家讨论的热门话题。全世界的人都在争论不休。

4.But McCaughey started the rumor that this was a form of euthanasia, where old people would be forced to agree to death.然而,麦考希开始散布谣言,说这么做是安乐死的一种方式,老人将被迫同意死亡。

5.Don't you know that the Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits the practice of euthanasia?你知不知道荷兰是欧洲唯一允许施行安乐死的国家。

6.I intend to forgive those ancestors who suffered greatly due to all the karma that failed to be released due to euthanasia over time.我意愿原谅我那些因安乐死业力未被解除而随时间积累起来、故而承受严重折磨的所有祖先。

7.Euthanasia is a special kind of unpardonable crime in the name of charity, guilty up to the hilt!安乐死其实是一种特殊的在仁爱名义下从事的彻头彻尾的不能饶恕的罪恶。

8.The judge who sentenced him said the trial was not about the poptical or moral correctness of euthanasia, it was about breaking the law.判决他的法官说,判决无关安乐死的政治或道德的正确性,而事关是否违法。

9.The CCF last week released the latest Peta euthanasia figures it had obtained from the state of Virginia.消费者自由中心上周公布了佩塔最新的动物安乐死的数字,是从弗吉尼亚州官方那里取得的。

10.His fears of an agonizing death had been allayed and he was now staunchly opposed to euthanasia.面对难以忍受的死亡的恐惧他也平静了,现在他坚定地反对安乐死。