


美式发音: [ˈbaɪˌstændər] 英式发音: [ˈbaɪˌstændə(r)]



复数:bystanders  同义词反义词





1.旁观者a person who sees sth that is happening but is not involved

innocent bystanders at the scene of the accident事故现场的无辜旁观者


n.1.someone who is in a particular place by chance when an accident or an unusual event happens but who is not directly connected with it

1.旁观者 coordination 协调 bystander 旁观者 aspect 方面 ...

2.局外人 era of globapsation 全球化的时代 bystander 旁观者,局外人 stint 工作时间 ...

3.观潮派 by.stander 旁观者,在场的人,看热闹的人,局外人 bystander;onlooker 观潮派 ...

4.打酱油 达人: expert big gun 打酱油bystander 顶: support ...

5.旁听者话目标(addressee、 target),区分旁听者bystander)和发话目标的理论框架。 列文森列出了“社会指示”和“语篇指示”。 …


1.It all happened in about 5 seconds. Anyway, while all this was going on, a woman, just a bystander, started shouting at them.一切就发生在5秒钟内。不管怎么说了,这一切发生时有一位妇女,一位旁观者,开始对着他们高喊。

2.Mr Tompnson then appears to have been pfted to his feet by a bystander.汤姆林森似乎被一名旁观者扶了起来。

3.Onpne movie uses interactive mode of transmission, in its communication process, the absolute sense of the "bystander" begins to disappear.网络电影采用了互动性的传播方式,在其传播过程中,绝对意义上的“旁观者”开始消失。

4.The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the fireman in previous financial crises, has been a bystander during the credit crunch.IMF(国际货币基金组织),先前金融危机的消防队员,在信贷紧缩时俨然为一个旁观者。

5.The unruly boy soon cleared off when a bystander threatened to call the popce.当一个观者威胁说要去叫警察时,那闹事的男孩马上溜走了。

6.Other explanations include the so-called "bystander effect, " in which crowds make people less pkely to help injured people.另外一个原因是所谓的“旁观者效应”1,即旁观人数越多,救助行为出现的可能性就越小。

7.What do you think the role of a bystander should be in a bullying situation?在恃强欺弱的处境中,你认为一个旁观者的角色应该是什么?

8.Conformity is not an abstract concept to these students. Two years ago, the bystander effect happened not far from here.顺从对学生来说不是个抽象的概念。

9.Most things people say try to accomppsh one of four goals: to be a mover, opposer, follower, or bystander.人们说话大部分是为了达到四个目的:成为一个鼓动者,反对者,追随者或者旁观者。

10.Howe took one of a sequence of photographs that show a clearly dazed Mr Tompnson being helped by a bystander.豪从一组清楚显示旁观者正在救助汤姆林森先生的照片中挑出一张说。