


美式发音: 英式发音: ['juːθənaɪz]



过去分词:euthanized  现在分词:euthanizing  第三人称单数:euthanizes  



1.~ sb/sth使(人或动物)安乐死to kill a sick or injured animal or person by giving them drugs so that they die without pain

v.1.to kill an incurably ill or injured person or animal to repeve suffering

1.使安乐死 hospitapzation:n. 住院治疗; euthanize v. 使安乐死 virus: 病毒 ...

2.人道毁灭 人民大会堂 The Great Hall of the People 人道毁灭 euthanize 上网成瘾/上网成瘾的人 cyber addiction/cyber addict ...


1.Three out of four doctors would euthanize badly handicapped newborns , though the law does not cover such cases.通常四分之三的医生会让那些严重残疾的新生儿安乐死,即便法律并没有涵盖这样的情况;

2.Zoo officials decided to euthanize Jenny on Thursday night because of an inoperable tumor in her stomach.由于詹妮胃部肿瘤无法实行手术治疗,动物园的官员决定于周四晚对詹妮进行安乐死。

3.If the bird's foot injury doesn't improve in the next three weeks, Cooney could be forced to euthanize it.如果它的脚伤在未来三周还没好转,库尼将不得不对它实施安乐死。

4.An animal shelter was threatening to euthanize it if his owner did not come back.一个动物收容所正恐吓说,如果它的主人没有回来就将它至于安乐死。

5.It must be of a bulldozer operator. confronted by a dilapidated building, he can say: hi buddy, i need to euthanize you.应该是开推土机的人吧,他可以面对一座危房,然后说“哥们,我得把你人道毁灭了”。

6.No shelters would take the dogs because of the outbreak, so the decision was made to euthanize them.在病毒爆发之后,没有任何收容所愿意收留这些狗,所以进行安乐死就成了最后的决定。

7.We love animals, yet we euthanize five milpon abandoned cats and dogs each year.我们喜爱动物,但每年我们会对500万只被遗弃的猫和狗实施安乐死。

8.It is desirable to euthanize acutely affected pigs to detect primary pathogens理想的是屠宰急性病猪,以检查主要病原