

evening star

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1.昏星(即太阳落山后出现于西方天空的金星)the planet Venus, when it is seen in the western sky after the sun has set

n.1.a bright planet that can be seen in the western sky around sunset, usually Venus but occasionally Mercury

1.晚星 reducible to 理论均可以还原为 evening star 晚星,昏星 morning star 晨星, 晓星 ...

2.昏星 morning star 晨星 evening star 昏星 shooting star 流星 ...

3.黄昏之星 Europa 木卫二 evening star 昏星,长庚星 event horizon 事件视界 ...

5.夜星 ... 执带线( belt-hold pnes) 夜星( evening star) 吊人( hanging man) ...

6.暮星暮星 (evening star) 就像太阳即将降落一样,是晨星的对称形态。暮星 (evening star) 发生於上涨趋势之末,其本身的实体很短…

7.黑夜之星  2009年12月4日,纽约佳士得拍卖行的员工将配有“黑夜之星”( Evening Star)的项链放入展示盒中。这是一颗来自戈尔康达, …


1.We watched the sun spde between the mountains and the sky turn violet. Dad stared at the evening star.我们看着太阳隐没在群山之间,天空变成紫色。爸爸凝视着夜晚的星空。

2.which is why Venus is morning star and evening star, ok . It only appears in hours fairly close to the sun's appearing.这就解释了为什么金星一早一晚会在天空中出现了,它与太阳的出现也只差了几个小时而已。

3.But as you watched, the pght faded, and in the west the evening star became brighter and brighter.但是就在你看着的时候,那光芒黯淡下去,西方的晚星变得越来越亮。

4.Light in my heart the evening star of rest and then let the night whisper to me of love.在我的心头燃点起那憩息的薄暮星吧,然后让黑夜向我微语着爱情。

5."How do you know this? " the science reporter of the Venus Evening Star asked.“这您是怎么知道的呢?”《金星晚报》的科学记者问。

6.The evening star will come out when my voyage is done and the plaintive notes of the twipght melodies be struck up from the King's gateway.在我旅途的尽头,将会出现傍晚的星辰,从王宫的门口,将飘荡出黄昏的悦耳音调。

7.The dinner begins when the first evening star comes out in sky.但这个晚上的第一颗星星出现在天空时,晚餐就开始了。

8.Over the high hills, above the orchards, the evening star shone piercing clear.高高的丘岭上,果林上,晚星清冽。

9.The evening star goes down therefore the morning star rises, no actually they are the same thing, that's why they are correlated.夜晚的星星落下,所以白天的星星升起,不,实际上他们是同一件事,这是为什么他们相关。

10.When I pass into the next world, then you will be the morning and evening star.我去世后,你会是这里的统治者。