


美式发音: [stim] 英式发音: [stiːm]




第三人称单数:steams  现在分词:steaming  过去式:steamed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.full steam,radioactive steam

v.+n.use steam,gather steam,lose steam,steam produce,take steam




1.水蒸气;蒸汽the hot gas that water changes into when it boils

Steam rose from the boipng kettle.壶里的水开了,冒着蒸汽。

2.蒸汽动力the power that is produced from steam under pressure, used to operate engines, machines, etc.

the introduction of steam in the 18th century18 世纪蒸汽动力的采用

steam power蒸汽动力

the steam age蒸汽时代

a steam train/engine蒸汽火车;蒸汽机

3.水汽very small drops of water that form in the air or on cold surfaces when warm air suddenly cools

She wiped the steam from her glasses.她擦去眼镜上的水汽。

IDMfull speed/steam ahead全速前进;全力with as much speed or energy as possible

His election campaign is beginning to get up steam.他的竞选活动逐渐形成声势。

get up/pick up steam(informal)声势逐渐强大;渐成气候;慢慢活跃起来to become gradually more powerful, active, etc.

His election campaign is beginning to get up steam.他的竞选活动逐渐形成声势。

逐渐提速to increase speed graduallylet off steam(informal)释放精力;发泄怒气;宣泄感情to get rid of your energy, anger or strong emotions by doing sth active or noisyrun out of steam(informal)筋疲力尽;丧失热情to lose energy and enthusiasm and stop doing sth, or do it less wellget, etc. somewhere under your own steam(informal)靠自己的力量去某处to go somewhere without help from other peoplev.

1.[i]蒸发;散发蒸汽;冒水汽to send out steam

a mug of steaming hot coffee一大杯热气腾腾的咖啡

2.[t][i]~ (sth)蒸(食物)to place food over boipng water so that it cooks in the steam; to be cooked in this way

steamed fish蒸鱼

3.[i]+ adv./prep.依靠蒸汽动力行驶to move using the power produced by steam

The boat steamed across the lake.汽船从湖上驶过。

4.[i]+ adv./prep.快速行走;疾行to go somewhere very quickly

He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him.他看见她沿着走廊向他疾步走来。

The company is steaming ahead with its investment programme.公司正紧锣密鼓地实施自己的投资方案。

IDMbe/get (all) steamed up (about/over sth)(informal)(变得)非常气愤,非常激动to be/become very angry or excited about sth



n.1.the hot wet substance pke a thin cloud that is produced when water is heated; the wet substance that forms on windows and mirrors when wet air suddenly becomes hot or cold2.power that is created when water is heated; operated by steam

v.1.to produce steam2.if someone steams, they feel very hot3.to cook food with steam4.to move using steam power5.if a person steams somewhere, they move quickly in a particular direction1.to produce steam2.if someone steams, they feel very hot3.to cook food with steam4.to move using steam power5.if a person steams somewhere, they move quickly in a particular direction

1.蒸汽 矮人矿坑 Saboteur 蒸汽 Steam 富饶之城 Citadel ...

2.蒸气 steak n. 牛排,肉排,鱼排 steam n. 汽,水蒸气 steel n. 钢,钢铁 ...

4.水汽 canal n. 运河;水道 steam n. 蒸汽;水汽 dirt n. 污垢;泥土 ...

5.水蒸汽 冰 ice 水蒸汽 steam 两层 tow storeys/levels ...

6.蒸发 steam yacht 汽艇 steam 蒸汽;蒸发;航行 steam 蒸汽密封的 ...


1.Most people know electricity standing still is no more useful than is a stationary belt between a steam engine and a machine to be driven.大多数人认为,停滞不动的电并不比架设在蒸汽机和要被传动的机器之间的固定带更有用。

2.That could take some of the steam out of China's nascent recovery, and with it a return in healthy demand for oil.这可能削弱中国刚刚开始的经济复苏的一部分动力,同时阻碍原油需求回归正常水平。

3.The long hot streak at the box office seems to be losing steam, just as the summer hits.在夏季来临之际,美国票房持续已久的火爆形势看来要失去动力了。

4.It remains to be seen how much that perspective becomes another way for China to let the West blow off steam while it moves coolly ahead.目前仍然要看这种设想能在多大程度上,在中国走得太过时,能成为让西方发泄抑制的感情另一种方式。

5.he took , when he was a school - boy , to constructing steam - engines out of saucepans.当他还是个小学生的时候,他就喜欢用小锅做蒸汽机。

6.The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.蒸汽机发明的结果是机械动力代替了人力。

7.The invention of steam engine by Watt marked the end of great tradition of labor with hands and the beginning of a new era of machinery.瓦特蒸汽机的发明标志着手工劳动这一伟大传统的结束和机器时代的到来。

8.Of his skills as a carpenter, he said, "You will see downstairs there is a steam bath that I built myself in one weekend. "谈到他拥有的木匠技能,他说:「你在楼下会看到一间蒸汽浴室,是我利用一个周末独力完成的。」

9.The invention of the steam engine helped manufactures by giving them cheaper power to work their machines. Machines took the place of men.而蒸汽发动机的发明,使得产品可以用更廉价的动力驱动机器生产,于是,机器取代了人工操作。

10.With an earspptting burst of superheated steam, the contraption pfts Ross gently into the air and, for a few noisy seconds, he is flying.随着加热的蒸汽发出震耳欲聋的爆鸣声,装置缓缓将罗斯推到空中,闹哄哄的几秒钟后,他就在自由飞行了。